Testing Gravity with Frequency-Dependent Overlap Reduction Function in Pulsar Timing Array
Kavli Affiliate: Misao Sasaki | First 5 Authors: Qiuyue Liang, Ippei Obata, Misao Sasaki, , | Summary: The positive evidence of a nano-hertz gravitational wave background recently found by several pulsar timing array (PTA) collaborations opened up a window to test modified gravity theories in a unique frequency band in parallel to other gravitational wave […]
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The Intermediate-Mass Black Hole Reverberation Mapping Project: Initial Results for a candidate IMBH in a nearby Seyfert 1 Galaxy
Kavli Affiliate: Xuebing Wu | First 5 Authors: Wenwen Zuo, Hengxiao Guo, Jingbo Sun, Qi Yuan, Paulina Lira | Summary: To investigate the short-term variability and determine the size of the optical continuum emitting size of intermediate-mass black holes (IMBHs), we carried out high-cadence, multi-band photometric monitoring of a Seyfert 1 galaxy J0249-0815 across two […]
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The Intermediate-Mass Black Hole Reverberation Mapping Project: Initial Results for a candidate IMBH in a nearby Seyfert 1 Galaxy
Kavli Affiliate: Xuebing Wu | First 5 Authors: Wenwen Zuo, Hengxiao Guo, Jingbo Sun, Qi Yuan, Paulina Lira | Summary: To investigate the short-term variability and determine the size of the optical continuum emitting size of intermediate-mass black holes (IMBHs), we carried out high-cadence, multi-band photometric monitoring of a Seyfert 1 galaxy J0249-0815 across two […]
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The Intermediate-Mass Black Hole Reverberation Mapping Project: Initial Results for a candidate IMBH in a nearby Seyfert 1 Galaxy
Kavli Affiliate: Xuebing Wu | First 5 Authors: Wenwen Zuo, Hengxiao Guo, Jingbo Sun, Qi Yuan, Paulina Lira | Summary: To investigate the short-term variability and determine the size of the optical continuum emitting size of intermediate-mass black holes (IMBHs), we carried out high-cadence, multi-band photometric monitoring of a Seyfert 1 galaxy J0249-0815 across two […]
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Optical Continuum Reverberation Mapping of a Candidate IMBH in a Nearby Seyfert 1 Galaxy
Kavli Affiliate: Luis C. Ho | First 5 Authors: Wenwen Zuo, Hengxiao Guo, Jingbo Sun, Qi Yuan, Paulina Lira | Summary: To investigate the short-term variability and determine the size of the optical continuum emitting region of intermediate-mass black holes (IMBHs), we carried out high-cadence, multiband photometric monitoring of a Seyfert 1 galaxy J0249-0815 across […]
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Optical Continuum Reverberation Mapping of a Candidate IMBH in a Nearby Seyfert 1 Galaxy
Kavli Affiliate: Xuebing Wu | First 5 Authors: Wenwen Zuo, Hengxiao Guo, Jingbo Sun, Qi Yuan, Paulina Lira | Summary: To investigate the short-term variability and determine the size of the optical continuum emitting region of intermediate-mass black holes (IMBHs), we carried out high-cadence, multiband photometric monitoring of a Seyfert 1 galaxy J0249-0815 across two […]
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Adjacent Leader Decentralized Stochastic Gradient Descent
Kavli Affiliate: Jing Wang | First 5 Authors: Haoze He, Jing Wang, Anna Choromanska, , | Summary: This work focuses on the decentralized deep learning optimization framework. We propose Adjacent Leader Decentralized Gradient Descent (AL-DSGD), for improving final model performance, accelerating convergence, and reducing the communication overhead of decentralized deep learning optimizers. AL-DSGD relies on […]
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Symmetrically Threaded SQUIDs As Next Generation Kerr-cat Qubits
Kavli Affiliate: Ke Wang | First 5 Authors: Bibek Bhandari, Irwin Huang, Ahmed Hajr, Kagan Yanik, Bingcheng Qing | Summary: Kerr-cat qubits are bosonic qubits with autonomous protection against bit-flips. They have been studied widely using driven Superconducting Nonlinear Asymmetric Inductive eLement (SNAIL) oscillators. We theoretically investigate an alternate circuit for the Kerr-cat qubit, namely […]
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Sub-relativistic Outflow and Hours-Timescale Large-amplitude X-ray Dips during Super-Eddington Accretion onto a Low-mass Massive Black Hole in the Tidal Disruption Event AT2022lri
Kavli Affiliate: Erin Kara | First 5 Authors: Yuhan Yao, Muryel Guolo, Francesco Tombesi, Ruancun Li, Suvi Gezari | Summary: We present the tidal disruption event (TDE) AT2022lri, hosted in a nearby ($approx!144$ Mpc) quiescent galaxy with a low-mass massive black hole ($10^4,M_odot < M_{rm BH} < 10^6,M_odot$). AT2022lri belongs to the TDE-H+He subtype. More […]
Continue.. Sub-relativistic Outflow and Hours-Timescale Large-amplitude X-ray Dips during Super-Eddington Accretion onto a Low-mass Massive Black Hole in the Tidal Disruption Event AT2022lri