Increasing efficiency of high numerical aperture metasurfaces using the grating averaging technique

Kavli Affiliate: Andrei Faraon | First 5 Authors: Amir Arbabi, Ehsan Arbabi, Mahdad Mansouree, Seunghoon Han, Seyedeh Mahsa Kamali | Summary: One of the important advantages of optical metasurfaces over conventional diffractive optical elements is their capability to efficiently deflect light by large angles. However, metasurfaces are conventionally designed using approaches that are optimal for […]

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Foreground modelling via Gaussian process regression: an application to HERA data

Kavli Affiliate: Max Tegmark | First 5 Authors: Abhik Ghosh, Florent Mertens, Gianni Bernardi, Mário G. Santos, Nicholas S. Kern | Summary: The key challenge in the observation of the redshifted 21-cm signal from cosmic reionization is its separation from the much brighter foreground emission. Such separation relies on the different spectral properties of the […]

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Radiative Transfer modeling of EC 53: An Episodically Accreting Class I Young Stellar Object

Kavli Affiliate: Gregory Herczeg | First 5 Authors: Giseon Baek, Benjamin A. MacFarlane, Jeong-Eun Lee, Dimitris Stamatellos, Gregory Herczeg | Summary: In the episodic accretion scenario, a large fraction of the protostellar mass accretes during repeated and large bursts of accretion. Since outbursts on protostars are typically identified at specific wavelengths, interpreting these outbursts requires […]

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Quantum transduction of optical photons from a superconducting qubit

Kavli Affiliate: Oskar Painter | First 5 Authors: Mohammad Mirhosseini, Alp Sipahigil, Mahmoud Kalaee, Oskar Painter, | Summary: Bidirectional conversion of electrical and optical signals lies at the foundation of the global internet. Such converters are employed at repeater stations to extend the reach of long-haul fiber optic communication systems and within data centers to […]

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Defect CFT in the 6d (2,0) theory from M2 brane dynamics in AdS$_7 times$S$^4$

Kavli Affiliate: Xinan Zhou | First 5 Authors: Nadav Drukker, Simone Giombi, Arkady A. Tseytlin, Xinan Zhou, | Summary: Surface operators in the 6d (2,0) theory at large $N$ have a holographic description in terms of M2 branes probing the AdS$_7 times S^4$ M-theory background. The most symmetric, 1/2-BPS, operator is defined over a planar […]

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Dendrite Net: A White-Box Module for Classification, Regression, and System Identification

Kavli Affiliate: Jing Wang | First 5 Authors: Gang Liu, Jing Wang, , , | Summary: The simulation of biological dendrite computations is vital for the development of artificial intelligence (AI). This paper presents a basic machine learning algorithm, named Dendrite Net or DD, just like Support Vector Machine (SVM) or Multilayer Perceptron (MLP). DD’s […]

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High dynamic range CdTe mixed-mode pixel array detector (MM-PAD) for kilohertz imaging of hard x-rays

Kavli Affiliate: Sol M. Gruner | First 5 Authors: Hugh T. Philipp, Mark W. Tate, Katherine S. Shanks, Prafull Purohit, Sol M. Gruner | Summary: A hard x-ray, high-speed, high dynamic range scientific x-ray imager is described. The imager is based on the mixed-mode pixel array detector (MM-PAD) readout chip coupled to a 750 micron […]

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High dynamic range CdTe mixed-mode pixel array detector (MM-PAD) for kilohertz imaging of hard x-rays

Kavli Affiliate: Sol M. Gruner | First 5 Authors: Hugh T. Philipp, Mark W. Tate, Katherine S. Shanks, Prafull Purohit, Sol M. Gruner | Summary: A hard x-ray, high-speed, high dynamic range scientific x-ray imager is described. The imager is based on the mixed-mode pixel array detector (MM-PAD) readout chip coupled to a 750 micron […]

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Entangled light-matter interactions and spectroscopy

Kavli Affiliate: Scott K. Cushing | First 5 Authors: Szilard Szoke, Hanzhe Liu, Bryce P. Hickam, Manni He, Scott K. Cushing | Summary: Entangled photons exhibit non-classical light-matter interactions that create new opportunities in materials and molecular science. For example, in entangled two-photon absorption, the intensity-dependence scales linearly as if only one photon was present. […]

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Categorifying non-commutative deformations

Kavli Affiliate: Alexey Bondal | First 5 Authors: Agnieszka Bodzenta, Alexey Bondal, , , | Summary: We define the functor $textrm{ncDef}_{(Z_1,ldots,Z_n)}$ of non-commutative deformations of an $n$-tuple of objects in an arbitrary $k$-linear abelian category $mathcal{Z}$. In our categorified approach, we view the underlying spaces of infinitesimal flat deformations as Deligne finite categories, i.e. finite […]

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