The Mesoscale Crystallinity of Nacreous Pearls

Kavli Affiliate: Lara A. Estroff | First 5 Authors: Jiseok Gim, Alden Koch, Laura M. Otter, Benjamin H. Savitzky, Sveinung Erland | Summary: A pearl’s distinguished beauty and toughness are attributable to the periodic stacking of aragonite tablets known as nacre. Nacre has naturally occurring mesoscale periodicity that remarkably arises in the absence of discrete […]

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Emergent order in a continuous state adaptive network model of living systems

Kavli Affiliate: Timon Idema | First 5 Authors: Carsten T. van de Kamp, George Dadunashvili, Johan L. A. Dubbeldam, Timon Idema, | Summary: Order can spontaneously emerge from seemingly noisy interactions between biological agents, like a flock of birds changing their direction of flight in unison, without a leader or an external cue. We are […]

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Effects of overlapping sources on cosmic shear estimation: Statistical sensitivity and pixel-noise bias

Kavli Affiliate: Patricia R. Burchat | First 5 Authors: Javier Sanchez, Ismael Mendoza, David P. Kirkby, Patricia R. Burchat, | Summary: In Stage-IV imaging surveys, a significant amount of the cosmologically useful information is due to sources whose images overlap with those of other sources on the sky. The cosmic shear signal is primarily encoded […]

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Vibrational relaxation dynamics in layered perovskite quantum wells

Kavli Affiliate: Peidong Yang | First 5 Authors: Li Na Quan, Yoonjae Park, Peijun Guo, Mengyu Gao, Jianbo Jin | Summary: Organic-inorganic layered perovskites are two-dimensional quantum wells with layers of lead-halide octahedra stacked between organic ligand barriers. The combination of their dielectric confinement and ionic sublattice results in excitonic excitations with substantial binding energies […]

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Adiabatic waveforms for extreme mass-ratio inspirals via multivoice decomposition in time and frequency

Kavli Affiliate: Scott A. Hughes | First 5 Authors: Scott A. Hughes, Niels Warburton, Gaurav Khanna, Alvin J. K. Chua, Michael L. Katz | Summary: We compute adiabatic waveforms for extreme mass-ratio inspirals (EMRIs) by "stitching" together a long inspiral waveform from a sequence of waveform snapshots, each of which corresponds to a particular geodesic […]

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Optimizing accuracy and efficacy in data-driven materials discovery for the solar production of hydrogen

Kavli Affiliate: Hector D. Abruna | First 5 Authors: Yihuang Xiong, Quinn T. Campbell, Julian Fanghanel, Catherine K. Badding, Huaiyu Wang | Summary: The production of hydrogen fuels, via water splitting, is of practical relevance for meeting global energy needs and mitigating the environmental consequences of fossil-fuel-based transportation. Water photoelectrolysis has been proposed as a […]

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Discovery of soft and hard X-ray time lags in low-mass AGNs

Kavli Affiliate: Daniel R. Wilkins | First 5 Authors: Labani Mallick, Daniel R. Wilkins, William N. Alston, Alex Markowitz, Barbara De Marco | Summary: The scaling relations between the black hole (BH) mass and soft lag properties for both active galactic nuclei (AGNs) and BH X-ray binaries (BHXRBs) suggest the same underlying physical mechanism at […]

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Point absorbers in Advanced LIGO

Kavli Affiliate: Richard Mittleman | First 5 Authors: Aidan F. Brooks, Gabriele Vajente, Hiro Yamamoto, Rich Abbott, Carl Adams | Summary: Small, highly absorbing points are randomly present on the surfaces of the main interferometer optics in Advanced LIGO. The resulting nano-meter scale thermo-elastic deformations and substrate lenses from these micron-scale absorbers significantly reduces the […]

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DESC DC2 Data Release Note

Kavli Affiliate: Seth W. Digel | First 5 Authors: LSST Dark Energy Science Collaboration, Bela Abolfathi, Robert Armstrong, Humna Awan, Yadu N. Babuji | Summary: In preparation for cosmological analyses of the Vera C. Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST), the LSST Dark Energy Science Collaboration (LSST DESC) has created a 300 […]

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Laboratory Measurements of Instrumental Signatures of the LSST Camera Focal Plane

Kavli Affiliate: Richard Dubois | First 5 Authors: Adam Snyder, Aurelien Barrau, Andrew Bradshaw, Boyd Bowdish, James Chiang | Summary: Electro-optical testing and characterization of the Vera C. Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) Camera focal plane, consisting of 205 charge-coupled devices (CCDs) arranged into 21 stand-alone Raft Tower Modules (RTMs) and […]

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