Design of a Majorana trijunction

Kavli Affiliate: Anton R. Akhmerov | First 5 Authors: Juan Daniel Torres Luna, Sathish R. Kuppuswamy, Anton R. Akhmerov, , | Summary: Braiding of Majorana states demonstrates their non-Abelian exchange statistics. One implementation of braiding requires control of the pairwise couplings between all Majorana states in a trijunction device. To have adiabaticity, a trijunction device […]

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Design of a Majorana trijunction

Kavli Affiliate: Anton R. Akhmerov | First 5 Authors: Juan Daniel Torres Luna, Sathish R. Kuppuswamy, Anton R. Akhmerov, , | Summary: Braiding of Majorana states demonstrates their non-Abelian exchange statistics. One implementation of braiding requires control of the pairwise couplings between all Majorana states in a trijunction device. In order to have adiabaticity, a […]

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What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You: Use and Abuse of Astrophysical Models in Gravitational-wave Population Analyses

Kavli Affiliate: Salvatore Vitale | First 5 Authors: April Qiu Cheng, Michael Zevin, Salvatore Vitale, , | Summary: One of the goals of gravitational-wave astrophysics is to infer the number and properties of the formation channels of binary black holes (BBHs); to do so, one must be able to connect various models with the data. […]

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What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You: Use and Abuse of Astrophysical Models in Gravitational-wave Population Analyses

Kavli Affiliate: Salvatore Vitale | First 5 Authors: April Qiu Cheng, Michael Zevin, Salvatore Vitale, , | Summary: One of the goals of gravitational-wave astrophysics is to infer the number and properties of the formation channels of binary black holes (BBHs); to do so, one must be able to connect various models with the data. […]

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Measurement of $CP$ asymmetries in $B^0to φK^0_S$ decays with Belle II

Kavli Affiliate: T. Higuchi | First 5 Authors: Belle II Collaboration, I. Adachi, K. Adamczyk, L. Aggarwal, H. Ahmed | Summary: We present a measurement of time-dependent rate asymmetries in $B^0to phi K^0_S$ decays to search for non-standard-model physics in $bto q overline{q}s$ transitions. The data sample is collected with the Belle II detector at […]

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Roman CCS White Paper: Measuring Type Ia Supernovae Discovered in the Roman High Latitude Time Domain Survey

Kavli Affiliate: Kaisey Mandel | First 5 Authors: Rebekah Hounsell, Dan Scolnic, Dillon Brout, Benjamin Rose, Ori Fox | Summary: We motivate the cosmological science case of measuring Type Ia supernovae with the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope as part of the High Latitude Time Domain Survey. We discuss previously stated requirements for the science, […]

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Geometric control of tilt transition dynamics in single-clamped thermalized elastic sheets

Kavli Affiliate: Mark J. Bowick | First 5 Authors: Roberto Abril Valenzuela, Paul Z. Hanakata, Mark J. Bowick, , | Summary: We study the finite-temperature dynamics of thin elastic sheets in a single-clamped cantilever configuration. This system is known to exhibit a tilt transition at which the preferred mean plane of the sheet shifts from […]

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BU Canis Minoris — the Most Compact Known Flat Doubly Eclipsing Quadruple System

Kavli Affiliate: Saul Rappaport | First 5 Authors: Theodor Pribulla, Tamás Borkovits, Rahul Jayaraman, Saul Rappaport, Tibor Mitnyan | Summary: We have found that the 2+2 quadruple star system BU CMi is currently the most compact quadruple system known, with an extremely short outer period of only 121 days. The previous record holder was TIC […]

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Performance metrics for the continuous distribution of entanglement in multi-user quantum networks

Kavli Affiliate: Stephanie Wehner | First 5 Authors: Álvaro G. Iñesta, Stephanie Wehner, , , | Summary: Entangled states shared among distant nodes are frequently used in quantum network applications. When quantum resources are abundant, entangled states can be continuously distributed across the network, allowing nodes to consume them whenever necessary. This continuous distribution of […]

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EIGER IV: The cool 10$^4$K circumgalactic environment of high-$z$ galaxies reveals remarkably efficient IGM enrichment

Kavli Affiliate: Robert A. Simcoe | First 5 Authors: Rongmon Bordoloi, Robert A. Simcoe, Jorryt Matthee, Daichi Kashino, Ruari Mackenzie | Summary: We report new observations of the cool diffuse gas around 29, $2.3<z<6.3$ galaxies, using deep JWST/NIRCam slitless grism spectroscopy around the sightline to the quasar J0100+2802. The galaxies span a stellar mass range […]

Continue.. EIGER IV: The cool 10$^4$K circumgalactic environment of high-$z$ galaxies reveals remarkably efficient IGM enrichment