Identification of 4876 Bent-Tail Radio Galaxies in the FIRST Survey Using Deep Learning Combined with Visual Inspection

Kavli Affiliate: Xiang Zhang | First 5 Authors: Baoqiang Lao, Heinz Andernach, Xiaolong Yang, Xiang Zhang, Rushuang Zhao | Summary: Bent-tail radio galaxies (BTRGs) are characterized by bent radio lobes. This unique shape is mainly caused by the movement of the galaxy within a cluster, during which the radio jets are deflected by the intra-cluster […]

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11 New Transiting Brown Dwarfs and Very Low Mass Stars from TESS

Kavli Affiliate: Avi Shporer | First 5 Authors: Noah Vowell, Joseph E. Rodriguez, David W. Latham, Samuel N. Quinn, Jack Schulte | Summary: We present the discovery of 11 new transiting brown dwarfs and low-mass M-dwarfs from NASA’s TESS mission: TOI-2844, TOI-3122, TOI-3577, TOI-3755, TOI-4462, TOI-4635, TOI-4737, TOI-4759, TOI-5240, TOI-5467, and TOI-5882. They consist of […]

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11 New Transiting Brown Dwarfs and Very Low Mass Stars from TESS

Kavli Affiliate: Avi Shporer | First 5 Authors: Noah Vowell, Joseph E. Rodriguez, David W. Latham, Samuel N. Quinn, Jack Schulte | Summary: We present the discovery of 11 new transiting brown dwarfs and low-mass M-dwarfs from NASA’s TESS mission: TOI-2844, TOI-3122, TOI-3577, TOI-3755, TOI-4462, TOI-4635, TOI-4737, TOI-4759, TOI-5240, TOI-5467, and TOI-5882. They consist of […]

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Large-Range Tuning and Stabilization of the Optical Transition of Diamond Tin-Vacancy Centers by In-Situ Strain Control

Kavli Affiliate: Ronald Hanson | First 5 Authors: Julia M. Brevoord, Leonardo G. C. Wienhoven, Nina Codreanu, Tetsuro Ishiguro, Elvis van Leeuwen | Summary: The negatively charged tin-vacancy (SnV-) center in diamond has emerged as a promising platform for quantum computing and quantum networks. To connect SnV- qubits in large networks, in-situ tuning and stabilization […]

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Simons Observatory: Characterization of the Large Aperture Telescope Receiver

Kavli Affiliate: Zeeshan Ahmed | First 5 Authors: Tanay Bhandarkar, Saianeesh K. Haridas, Jeff Iuliano, Anna Kofman, Alex Manduca | Summary: The Simons Observatory (SO) is a ground-based cosmic microwave background (CMB) survey experiment that currently consists of three 0.42m small-aperture telescopes (SATs) and one 6m large-aperture telescope (LAT), located at an elevation of 5200m […]

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Experience-dependent reorganization of inhibitory neuron synaptic connectivity

Kavli Affiliate: Richard Axel | Authors: Andrew Jacob Pixley Fink, Samuel Muscinelli, Shuqi Wang, Marcus I Hogan, Daniel Fine English, Richard Axel, Ashok Litwin-Kumar and Carl E. Schoonover | Summary: Organisms continually tune their perceptual systems to the features they encounter in their environment1–3. We have studied how ongoing experience reorganizes the synaptic connectivity of […]

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