The putative center in NGC 1052

Kavli Affiliate: Bradford A. Benson | First 5 Authors: Anne-Kathrin Baczko, Matthias Kadler, Eduardo Ros, Christian M. Fromm, Maciek Wielgus | Summary: Many active galaxies harbor powerful relativistic jets, however, the detailed mechanisms of their formation and acceleration remain poorly understood. To investigate the area of jet acceleration and collimation with the highest available angular […]

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Deep inference of simulated strong lenses in ground-based surveys

Kavli Affiliate: Joshua Frieman | First 5 Authors: Jason Poh, Ashwin Samudre, Aleksandra Ćiprijanović, Joshua Frieman, Gourav Khullar | Summary: The large number of strong lenses discoverable in future astronomical surveys will likely enhance the value of strong gravitational lensing as a cosmic probe of dark energy and dark matter. However, leveraging the increased statistical […]

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