The THESAN project: galaxy sizes during the epoch of reionization

Kavli Affiliate: Mark Vogelsberger | First 5 Authors: Xuejian Shen, Mark Vogelsberger, Josh Borrow, Yongao Hu, Evan Erickson | Summary: We investigate galaxy sizes at redshift $zgtrsim 6$ with the cosmological radiation-magneto-hydrodynamic simulation suite THESAN(-HR). These simulations simultaneously capture the reionization of the large-scale intergalactic medium and resolved galaxy properties. The intrinsic size ($r^{ast}_{1/2}$) of […]

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A demonstration of the effect of fringe-rate filtering in the Hydrogen Epoch of Reionization Array delay power spectrum pipeline

Kavli Affiliate: Jacqueline N. Hewitt | First 5 Authors: Hugh Garsden, Philip Bull, Mike Wilensky, Zuhra Abdurashidova, Tyrone Adams | Summary: Radio interferometers targeting the 21cm brightness temperature fluctuations at high redshift are subject to systematic effects that operate over a range of different timescales. These can be isolated by designing appropriate Fourier filters that […]

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Learning Continuous 3D Words for Text-to-Image Generation

Kavli Affiliate: Matthew Fisher | First 5 Authors: Ta-Ying Cheng, Matheus Gadelha, Thibault Groueix, Matthew Fisher, Radomir Mech | Summary: Current controls over diffusion models (e.g., through text or ControlNet) for image generation fall short in recognizing abstract, continuous attributes like illumination direction or non-rigid shape change. In this paper, we present an approach for […]

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Tuning the Spin Interaction in Non-planar Organic Diradicals Through Mechanical Manipulation

Kavli Affiliate: Herre S. J. Van Der Zant | First 5 Authors: Alessio Vegliante, Saleta Fernandez, Ricardo Ortiz, Manuel Vilas-Varela, Thomas Baum | Summary: Open-shell polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) represent promising building blocks for carbon-based functional magnetic materials. Their magnetic properties stem from the presence of unpaired electrons localized in radical states of $pi$ character. […]

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Tracking topological defect motion and incommensurate charge order melting in a perovskite manganite

Kavli Affiliate: Lena F. Kourkoutis | First 5 Authors: Noah Schnitzer, Berit H. Goodge, Gregory Powers, Jaewook Kim, Sang-Wook Cheong | Summary: Charge order pervades the phase diagrams of many quantum materials where it competes with superconducting and magnetic phases, hosts electronic phase transitions and topological defects, and couples to the lattice generating intricate structural […]

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Evidence for flare-accelerated particles in large scale loops in the behind-the-limb gamma-ray solar flare of September 29, 2022

Kavli Affiliate: Nicola Omodei | First 5 Authors: Melissa Pesce-Rollins, Karl-Ludwig Klein, Säm Krucker, Alexander Warmuth, M. Astrid Veronig | Summary: We report on the detection of the gamma-ray emission above 100 MeV from the solar flare of September 29, 2022, by Fermi LAT with simultaneous coverage in HXR by Solar Orbiter STIX. The Solar […]

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High-cadence Timing of Binary Pulsars with CHIME

Kavli Affiliate: Kiyoshi W. Masui | First 5 Authors: Chia Min Tan, Emmanuel Fonseca, Kathryn Crowter, Fengqiu Adam Dong, Victoria M. Kaspi | Summary: We performed near-daily observations on the binary pulsars PSR J0218+4232, PSR J1518+4904 and PSR J2023+2853 with the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME). For the first time, we detected the Shapiro […]

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Functional architecture of intracellular oscillations in hippocampal dendrites

Kavli Affiliate: Attila Losonczy | Authors: Zhenrui Liao, Kevin Christian Gonzalez, Deborah Li, Catalina Yang, Donald Holder, Natalie McClain, Guofeng Zhang, Stephen Evans, Maria Chavarha, Jane Yi, Christopher Makinson, Michael Lin, Attila Losonczy and Adrian Negrean | Summary: Fast electrical signaling in dendrites is central to neural computations that support adaptive behaviors. Conventional techniques lack […]

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Unselfish meiotic drive maintains heterozygosity in a parthenogenetic ant

Kavli Affiliate: Daniel Kronauer | Authors: Kip D Lacy, Taylor Hart and Daniel J.C. Kronauer | Summary: According to Mendel’s second law, chromosomes segregate randomly in meiosis. Non-random segregation is primarily known for cases of selfish meiotic drive in females, in which particular alleles bias their own transmission into the oocyte1,2. Here, we report a […]

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How the Galaxy-Halo Connection Depends on Large-Scale Environment

Kavli Affiliate: Risa H. Wechsler | First 5 Authors: John F. Wu, Christian Kragh Jespersen, Risa H. Wechsler, , | Summary: We investigate the connection between galaxies, dark matter halos, and their large-scale environments at $z=0$ with Illustris TNG300 hydrodynamic simulation data. We predict stellar masses from subhalo properties to test two types of machine […]

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