All-optical Loss-tolerant Distributed Quantum Sensing

Kavli Affiliate: Alireza Marandi

| First 5 Authors: Rajveer Nehra, Changhun Oh, Liang Jiang, Alireza Marandi,

| Summary:

Distributed quantum sensing (DQS) leverages quantum resources to estimate an
unknown global property of a networked quantum sensor beyond the classical
limit. We propose and analyze an all-optical resource-efficient scheme for the
next-generation DQS systems. Our method utilizes phase-sensitive optical
parametric amplifiers and linear interferometers and achieves the sensitivity
close to the optimal limit, as determined by the quantum Fisher information of
the entangled resource state. Furthermore, it utilizes high-gain OPA-assisted
detection, offering critical advantages of increased bandwidth and loss
tolerance, in contrast to conventional methods employing balanced homodyne
detection (BHD). We show the efficacy of our proposal for displacement sensing
and show its loss tolerance against high levels of photon loss, thus
circumventing the major obstacle in current BHD-based approaches. Our
architectural analysis shows that our scheme can be realized with current
quantum photonic technology

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