0.7 MW Yb:YAG pumped degenerate optical parametric oscillator at 2.06 μm

Kavli Affiliate: Alireza Marandi

| First 5 Authors: Anni Li, Mehran Bahri, Robert M. Gray, Seowon Choi, Sajjad Hoseinkhani

| Summary:

Frequency comb and field-resolved broadband absorption spectroscopy are
promising techniques for rapid, precise, and sensitive detection of short-lived
atmospheric pollutants on-site. Enhancing detection sensitivity in absorption
spectroscopy hinges on bright sources that cover molecular resonances and fast
signal modulation techniques to implement lock-in detection schemes
efficiently. Yb:YAG thin-disk lasers, combined with optical parametric
oscillators (OPO), present a compelling solution to fulfill these requirements.
In this work, we report on a bright OPO pumped by a Yb:YAG thin-disk Kerr-lens
mode-locked oscillator delivering 2.8 W, 114 fs pulses at 2.06 {mu}m with an
averaged energy of 90 nJ. The OPO cavity operates at 30.9 MHz pulse repetition
rates, the second harmonic of the pump cavity, allowing for broadband,
efficient, and dispersion-free modulation of the OPO output pulses at 15.45 MHz
rate. With 13% optical-to-optical conversion efficiency and a high-frequency
intra-cavity modulation, this scalable scheme holds promise to advance the
detection sensitivity and frontiers of field-resolved spectroscopic techniques.

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