Structure of the E3 ligase CRL2-ZYG11B with substrates reveals the molecular basis for N-degron recognition and ubiquitination

Kavli Affiliate: Yifan Cheng

| Authors: Xi Liu, Yang Li, Lennice Castro, Zanlin Yu, Yifan Cheng, Matthew D Daugherty and John D Gross

| Summary:

ZYG11B is a substrate specificity factor for Cullin-RING ubiquitin ligase (CRL2) involved in many biological processes, including Gly/N-degron pathways. Yet how the binding of ZYG11B with CRL2 is coupled to substrate recognition and ubiquitination is unknown. We present the Cryo-EM structures of the CRL2-ZYG11B holoenzyme alone and in complex with a Gly/N-peptide from the inflammasome-forming pathogen sensor NLRP1. The structures indicate ZYG11B folds into a Leucine-Rich Repeat followed by two armadillo repeat domains that promote assembly with CRL2 and recognition of NLRP1 Gly/N-degron. ZYG11B promotes activation of the NLRP1 inflammasome through recognition and subsequent ubiquitination of the NLRP1 Gly/N-degron revealed by viral protease cleavage. Our structural and functional data indicate that blocking ZYG11B recognition of the NLRP1 Gly/N-degron inhibits NLRP1 inflammasome activation by a viral protease. Overall, we show how the CRL2-ZYG11B E3 ligase complex recognizes Gly/N-degron substrates, including those that are involved in viral protease-mediated activation of the NLRP1 inflammasome.

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