Imaging 3D Chemistry at 1 nm Resolution with Fused Multi-Modal Electron Tomography

Kavli Affiliate: Richard D. Robinson | First 5 Authors: Jonathan Schwartz, Zichao Wendy Di, Yi Jiang, Jason Manassa, Jacob Pietryga | Summary: Measuring the three-dimensional (3D) distribution of chemistry in nanoscale matter is a longstanding challenge for metrological science. The inelastic scattering events required for 3D chemical imaging are too rare, requiring high beam exposure […]

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Imaging 3D Chemistry at 1 nm Resolution with Fused Multi-Modal Electron Tomography

Kavli Affiliate: Ting Xu | First 5 Authors: Jonathan Schwartz, Zichao Wendy Di, Yi Jiang, Jason Manassa, Jacob Pietryga | Summary: Measuring the three-dimensional (3D) distribution of chemistry in nanoscale matter is a longstanding challenge for metrological science. The inelastic scattering events required for 3D chemical imaging are too rare, requiring high beam exposure that […]

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X-ray nanotomography reveals formation of single diamonds by block copolymer self-assembly

Kavli Affiliate: Ulrich B. Wiesner | First 5 Authors: Kenza Djeghdi, Dmitry Karpov, S. Narjes Abdollahi, Karolina Godlewska, Mirko Holler | Summary: Block copolymers are recognised as a valuable platform for creating nanostructured materials with unique properties. Morphologies formed by block copolymer self-assembly can be transferred into a wide range of inorganic materials, enabling applications […]

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The origin of long soft lags and the nature of the hard-intermediate state in black hole binaries

Kavli Affiliate: Tadayuki Takahashi | First 5 Authors: Tenyo Kawamura, Chris Done, Tadayuki Takahashi, , | Summary: Fast variability of the X-ray corona in black hole binaries can produce a soft lag by reverberation, where the reprocessed thermalized disc photons lag behind the illuminating hard X-rays. This lag is small, and systematically decreases with increasing […]

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The origin of long soft lags and the nature of the hard-intermediate state in black hole binaries

Kavli Affiliate: Tadayuki Takahashi | First 5 Authors: Tenyo Kawamura, Chris Done, Tadayuki Takahashi, , | Summary: Fast variability of the X-ray corona in black hole binaries can produce a soft lag by reverberation, where the reprocessed thermalized disc photons lag behind the illuminating hard X-rays. This lag is small, and systematically decreases with increasing […]

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Aspects of higher-point functions in BCFT$_d$

Kavli Affiliate: Xinan Zhou | First 5 Authors: Junding Chen, Xinan Zhou, , , | Summary: We study three-point correlation functions of scalar operators in conformal field theories with boundaries and interfaces. We focus on two cases where there are one bulk and two boundary operators (B$partialpartial$), or two bulk and one boundary operators (BB$partial$). […]

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All-microwave Lamb shift engineering for a fixed frequency multi-level superconducting qubit

Kavli Affiliate: Gary A. Steele | First 5 Authors: Byoung-moo Ann, Gary A. Steele, , , | Summary: It is known that the electromagnetic vacuum is responsible for the Lamb shift, which is a crucial phenomenon in quantum electrodynamics (QED). In circuit QED, the readout or bus resonators that are dispersively coupled can result in […]

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All-microwave and low-cost Lamb shift engineering for a fixed frequency multi-level superconducting qubit

Kavli Affiliate: Gary A. Steele | First 5 Authors: Byoung-moo Ann, Gary A. Steele, , , | Summary: It is known that the electromagnetic vacuum is responsible for the Lamb shift, which is a crucial phenomenon in quantum electrodynamics (QED). In circuit QED, the readout or bus resonators that are dispersively coupled can result in […]

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All-microwave and low-cost Lamb shift engineering for a fixed frequency multi-level superconducting qubit

Kavli Affiliate: Gary A. Steele | First 5 Authors: Byoung-moo Ann, Gary A. Steele, , , | Summary: It is known that the quantum nature of the electromagnetic vacuum is responsible for the Lamb shift, which is a crucial phenomenon in quantum electrodynamics (QED). In circuit QED, the readout or bus resonators that are dispersively […]

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