Exploration biases how forelimb reaches to a spatial target are learned

Kavli Affiliate: Costa, Rui | Authors: Alice C Mosberger, Leslie J Sibener, Tiffany X Chen, Helio FM Rodrigues, Richard Hormigo, James N Ingram, Vivek R Athalye, Tanya Tabachnik, Daniel M Wolpert, James M Murray and Rui M Costa | Summary: The brain can learn to generate actions, such as reaching to a target, using different […]

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Calculating the Gravitational Waves Emitted from High-speed Sources

Kavli Affiliate: Xian Chen | First 5 Authors: Han Yan, Xian Chen, Alejandro Torres-Orjuela, , | Summary: The possibility of forming gravitational-wave sources with high center-of-mass (c.m.) velocities in the vicinity of supermassive black holes requires us to develop a method of deriving the waveform in the observer’s frame. Here we show that in the […]

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SENSEI: Search for Millicharged Particles produced in the NuMI Beam

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Crisler | First 5 Authors: Liron Barak, Itay M. Bloch, Ana M. Botti, Mariano Cababie, Gustavo Cancelo | Summary: Millicharged particles appear in several extensions of the Standard Model, but have not yet been detected. These hypothetical particles could be produced by an intense proton beam striking a fixed target. We use […]

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SENSEI: Search for Millicharged Particles produced in the NuMI Beam

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Crisler | First 5 Authors: Liron Barak, Itay M. Bloch, Ana M. Botti, Mariano Cababie, Gustavo Cancelo | Summary: Millicharged particles appear in several extensions of the Standard Model, but have not yet been detected. These hypothetical particles could be produced by an intense proton beam striking a fixed target. We use […]

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Zonal flows and reversals of cortically confined active suspensions

Kavli Affiliate: L. Mahadevan | First 5 Authors: J. S. Yodh, F. Giardina, S. Gokhale, L. Mahadevan, | Summary: At sufficiently high concentrations, motile bacteria suspended in fluids exhibit a range of ordered and disordered collective motions. Here we explore the combined effects of confinement, periodicity and curvature induced by the active motion of E. […]

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Precise Masses, Ages of ~1.0 million RGB and RC stars observed by the LAMOST

Kavli Affiliate: Huawei Zhang | First 5 Authors: Chun Wang, Yang Huang, Yutao Zhou, Huawei Zhang, | Summary: We construct a catalogue of stellar masses and ages for 696,680 red giant branch (RGB) stars, 180,436 primary red clump (RC) stars, and 120,907 secondary RC stars selected from the LAMOST,DR8. The RGBs, primary RCs, and secondary […]

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Precise Masses, Ages of ~1.0 million RGB and RC stars observed by the LAMOST

Kavli Affiliate: Huawei Zhang | First 5 Authors: Chun Wang, Yang Huang, Yutao Zhou, Huawei Zhang, | Summary: We construct a catalogue of stellar masses and ages for 696,680 red giant branch (RGB) stars, 180,436 primary red clump (RC) stars, and 120,907 secondary RC stars selected from the LAMOST,DR8. The RGBs, primary RCs, and secondary […]

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Phonon-driven femtosecond dynamics of excitons in crystalline pentacene from first principles

Kavli Affiliate: Jeffrey B. Neaton | First 5 Authors: Galit Cohen, Jonah B. Haber, Jeffrey B. Neaton, Diana Y. Qiu, Sivan Refaely-Abramson | Summary: Non-radiative exciton relaxation processes are critical for energy transduction efficiencies in optoelectronic materials, but how these processes are connected to the underlying crystal structure and its associated electron, exciton, and phonon […]

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Self-Edit: Fault-Aware Code Editor for Code Generation

Kavli Affiliate: Zhuo Li | First 5 Authors: Kechi Zhang, Zhuo Li, Jia Li, Ge Li, Zhi Jin | Summary: Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated an impressive ability to generate codes on competitive programming tasks. However, with limited sample numbers, LLMs still suffer from poor accuracy. Inspired by the process of human programming, we […]

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