Disordered topological graphs enhancing nonlinear phenomena

Kavli Affiliate: Joel Moore | First 5 Authors: Zhetao Jia, Matteo Seclì, Alexander Avdoshkin, Walid Redjem, Elizabeth Dresselhaus | Summary: Complex networks play a fundamental role in understanding phenomena from the collective behavior of spins, neural networks, and power grids to the spread of diseases. Topological phenomena in such networks have recently been exploited to […]

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Inferring Maps of the Sun’s Far-side Unsigned Magnetic Flux from Far-side Helioseismic Images using Machine Learning Techniques

Kavli Affiliate: J. Todd Hoeksema | First 5 Authors: Ruizhu Chen, Junwei Zhao, Shea Hess Webber, Yang Liu, J. Todd Hoeksema | Summary: Accurate modeling of the Sun’s coronal magnetic field and solar wind structures require inputs of the solar global magnetic field, including both the near and far sides, but the Sun’s far-side magnetic […]

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