Rotating Frame Relaxation for Magic Angle Spinning Solid State NMR, A Promising Tool for Characterizing Biopolymer Motion

Kavli Affiliate: Ann McDermott | Authors: Ann E McDermott and Eric G Keeler | Summary: Magic angle spinning NMR rotating frame relaxation measurements provide a powerful experimental strategy to probe biomolecules dynamics, as is illustrated by numerous recent applications. We discuss experimental strategies for this class of experiments, with a particular focus on systems where […]

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Genetic adaptation to pathogens and increased risk of inflammatory disorders in post-Neolithic Europe

Kavli Affiliate: Jean Laurent Casanova | Authors: Gaspard Kerner, Anna-Lena Neehus, Laurent Abel, Jean-Laurent Casanova, Etienne Patin, Guillaume Laval and Lluis Quintana-Murci | Summary: Ancient genomics can directly detect human genetic adaptation to environmental cues. However, it remains unclear how pathogens have exerted selective pressures on human genome diversity across different epochs and affected present-day […]

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Developmental spontaneous activity promotes sensory domains, frequency tuning and proper gain in central auditory circuits

Kavli Affiliate: Dwight Bergles | Authors: Calvin J Kersbergen, Travis A Babola, Jason Rock and Dwight E Bergles | Summary: Neurons that process sensory information exhibit bursts of electrical activity during development, providing early training to circuits that will later encode similar features of the external world. In the mammalian auditory system, this intrinsically generated […]

Continue.. Developmental spontaneous activity promotes sensory domains, frequency tuning and proper gain in central auditory circuits