Recording large-scale, cellular-resolution neuronal activity from freely-moving mice

Kavli Affiliate: Aniruddha Das | Authors: Aniruddha Das, Sarah Holden, Julie Borovicka, Jacob Icardi, Davina Patel, Rushik Patel, Jacob Raber and Hod Dana | Summary: To date, recording of cellular-resolution activity from awake mice has required either head fixation under a microscope or attaching a miniaturized device to the skull, both of which inevitably affect […]

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A multifaceted architectural framework of the mouse claustrum complex

Kavli Affiliate: Clifford Kentros, Menno Witter, Stefan Blankvoort | Authors: Joachim Schweder Grimstvedt, Andrew M. Shelton, Anna Hoerder-Suabedissen, David K. Oliver, Christin H. Berndtsson, Stefan Blankvoort, Rajeevkumar Raveendran Nair, Adam M. Packer, Menno P. Witter and Clifford G. Kentros | Summary: Accurate anatomical characterizations are necessary to investigate neural circuitry on a fine scale, but […]

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