Flexible neural control of motor units

Kavli Affiliate: Mark Churchland, Michael Shadlen

| Authors: Najja J. Marshall, Joshua I. Glaser, Eric M. Trautmann, Elom A. Amematsro, Sean M. Perkins, Michael N. Shadlen, L. F. Abbott, John P. Cunningham and Mark M. Churchland

| Summary:

Voluntary movement requires communication from cortex to the spinal cord, where a dedicated pool of motor units (MUs) activates each muscle. The canonical description of MU function rests upon two foundational tenets. First, cortex cannot control MUs independently but supplies each pool with a common drive. Second, MUs are recruited in a rigid fashion that largely accords with Henneman’s size principle. While this paradigm has considerable empirical support, a direct test requires simultaneous observations of many MUs across diverse force profiles. We developed an isometric task that allowed stable MU recordings even during rapidly changing forces. MU activity patterns were surprisingly behavior-dependent. MU activity could not be accurately described as reflecting common drive, but could be captured by assuming multiple drives. Neuropixels probe recordings revealed that, consistent with the requirements of flexible control, the motor cortex population response displays a great many degrees of freedom. Neighboring cortical sites recruited different MUs. Thus, MU activity is flexibly controlled to meet task demands, and cortex may contribute to this ability.

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