Dark matter constraint with gamma-ray galaxies cross correlation scales with N

Kavli Affiliate: Masahiro Takada | First 5 Authors: Daiki Hashimoto, Atsushi J. Nishizawa, Masahiro Takada, Oscar Macias, | Summary: A new method to constrain the dark matter annihilation cross section by taking the cross correlation of gamma-ray diffuse maps and galaxies is proposed. As a result, the statistical power of constraining the annihilation cross section […]

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A Uniform Search for Nearby Planetary Companions to Hot Jupiters in TESS Data Reveals Hot Jupiters are Still Lonely

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Fausnaugh | First 5 Authors: Benjamin J. Hord, Knicole D. Colón, Veselin Kostov, Brianna Galgano, George R. Ricker | Summary: We present the results of a uniform search for additional planets around all stars with confirmed hot Jupiters observed by the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) in its Cycle 1 survey of […]

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Search for $Z^{‘} rightarrow μ^{+} μ^{-}$ in the $L_μ{-} L_τ$ gauge-symmetric model at Belle

Kavli Affiliate: T. Higuchi | First 5 Authors: T. Czank, I. Jaegle, A. Ishikawa, I. Adachi, K. Adamczyk | Summary: We search for a new gauge boson $Z’$ that couples only to heavy leptons and their corresponding neutrinos in the process $e^{+} e^{-} rightarrow Z'(rightarrow mu^{+}mu^{-}) mu^{+}mu^{-}$, using a 643 fb$^{-1}$ data sample collected by […]

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CompilerGym: Robust, Performant Compiler Optimization Environments for AI Research

Kavli Affiliate: Jia Liu | First 5 Authors: Chris Cummins, Bram Wasti, Jiadong Guo, Brandon Cui, Jason Ansel | Summary: Interest in applying Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques to compiler optimizations is increasing rapidly, but compiler research has a high entry barrier. Unlike in other domains, compiler and AI researchers do not have access to the […]

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Polarized muons and the origin of biological homochirality

Kavli Affiliate: Roger D. Blandford | First 5 Authors: Noemie Globus, Roger D. Blandford, Anatoli Fedynitch, , | Summary: While biologists have not yet reached a consensus on the definition of life, homochirality – the specific molecular handedness of biomolecules – is a phenomenon only produced by life. The unraveling of its origin requires interdisciplinary […]

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DeepGhostBusters: Using Mask R-CNN to Detect and Mask Ghosting and Scattered-Light Artifacts from Optical Survey Images

Kavli Affiliate: Brian Nord | First 5 Authors: Dimitrios Tanoglidis, Aleksandra Ćiprijanović, Alex Drlica-Wagner, Brian Nord, Michael H. L. S. Wang | Summary: Wide-field astronomical surveys are often affected by the presence of undesirable reflections (often known as "ghosting artifacts" or "ghosts") and scattered-light artifacts. The identification and mitigation of these artifacts is important for […]

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Subtle Data Crimes: Naively training machine learning algorithms could lead to overly-optimistic results

Kavli Affiliate: Ke Wang | First 5 Authors: Efrat Shimron, Jonathan I. Tamir, Ke Wang, Michael Lustig, | Summary: While open databases are an important resource in the Deep Learning (DL) era, they are sometimes used "off-label": data published for one task are used for training algorithms for a different one. This work aims to […]

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Monte Carlo simulations of neutrino and charged lepton propagation in the Earth with nuPyProp

Kavli Affiliate: Angela Olinto | First 5 Authors: Sameer Patel, Mary Hall Reno, Yosui Akaike, Luis Anchordoqui, Douglas Bergman | Summary: An accurate modeling of neutrino flux attenuation and the distribution of leptons they produce in transit through the Earth is an essential component to determine neutrino flux sensitivities of underground, sub-orbital and space-based detectors. […]

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SNEWPY: A Data Pipeline from Supernova Simulations to Neutrino Signals

Kavli Affiliate: Shunsaku Horiuchi | First 5 Authors: Amanda L. Baxter, Segev BenZvi, Joahan Castaneda Jaimes, Alexis Coleiro, Marta Colomer Molla | Summary: Current neutrino detectors will observe hundreds to thousands of neutrinos from a Galactic supernovae, and future detectors will increase this yield by an order of magnitude or more. With such a data […]

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