Narain to Narnia
Kavli Affiliate: Hirosi Ooguri | First 5 Authors: Nathan Benjamin, Christoph A. Keller, Hirosi Ooguri, Ida G. Zadeh, | Summary: We generalize the holographic correspondence between topological gravity coupled to an abelian Chern-Simons theory in three dimensions and an ensemble average of Narain’s family of massless free bosons in two dimensions, discovered by Afkhami-Jeddi et […]
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Chaotic scattering of highly excited strings
Kavli Affiliate: David J. Gross | First 5 Authors: David J. Gross, Vladimir Rosenhaus, , , | Summary: Motivated by the desire to understand chaos in the $S$-matrix of string theory, we study tree level scattering amplitudes involving highly excited strings. While the amplitudes for scattering of light strings have been a hallmark of string […]
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Inference of the optical depth to reionization from low multipole temperature and polarisation Planck data
Kavli Affiliate: George Efstathiou | First 5 Authors: Roger de Belsunce, Steven Gratton, William Coulton, George Efstathiou, | Summary: This paper explores methods for constructing low multipole temperature and polarisation likelihoods from maps of the cosmic microwave background anisotropies that have complex noise properties and partial sky coverage. We use Planck 2018 High Frequency Instrument […]
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QuasarNet: A new research platform for the data-driven investigation of black holes
Kavli Affiliate: Brian Nord | First 5 Authors: Priyamvada Natarajan, Kwok Sun Tang, Robert McGibbon, Sadegh Khochfar, Brian Nord | Summary: We present QuasarNet, a novel research platform for the data-driven investigation of super-massive black hole (SMBH) populations. While SMBH data sets — observations and simulations — have grown rapidly in complexity and abundance, our […]
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Conformal gravity does not predict flat galaxy rotation curves
Kavli Affiliate: Anthony Lasenby | First 5 Authors: Michael Hobson, Anthony Lasenby, , , | Summary: We reconsider the widely held view that the Mannheim–Kazanas (MK) vacuum solution for a static, spherically-symmetric system in conformal gravity (CG) predicts flat rotation curves, such as those observed in galaxies, without the need for dark matter. This prediction […]
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Spatial Decorrelation of Young Stars and Dense Gas as a Probe of the Star Formation-Feedback Cycle in Galaxies
Kavli Affiliate: Andrey V. Kravtsov | First 5 Authors: Vadim A. Semenov, Andrey V. Kravtsov, Nickolay Y. Gnedin, , | Summary: The spatial decorrelation of dense molecular gas and young stars observed on $lesssim 1$ kiloparsec scales in nearby galaxies indicates rapid dispersal of star-forming regions by stellar feedback. We explore the sensitivity of this […]
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The HST See Change Program: I. Survey Design, Pipeline, and Supernova Discoveries
Kavli Affiliate: Michael Gladders | First 5 Authors: Brian Hayden, David Rubin, Kyle Boone, Greg Aldering, Jakob Nordin | Summary: The See Change survey was designed to make $z>1$ cosmological measurements by efficiently discovering high-redshift Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) and improving cluster mass measurements through weak lensing. This survey observed twelve galaxy clusters with […]
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The HST See Change Program: I. Survey Design, Pipeline, and Supernova Discoveries
Kavli Affiliate: Risa Wechsler | First 5 Authors: Brian Hayden, David Rubin, Kyle Boone, Greg Aldering, Jakob Nordin | Summary: The See Change survey was designed to make $z>1$ cosmological measurements by efficiently discovering high-redshift Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) and improving cluster mass measurements through weak lensing. This survey observed twelve galaxy clusters with […]
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Direct visualization of superselective colloid-surface binding mediated by multivalent interactions
Kavli Affiliate: Liedewij Laan | First 5 Authors: Christine Linne, Daniele Visco, Stefano Angioletti-Uberti, Liedewij Laan, Daniela J. Kraft | Summary: Reliably distinguishing between cells based on minute differences in receptor density is crucial for cell-cell or virus-cell recognition, the initiation of signal transduction and selective targeting in directed drug delivery. Such sharp differentiation between […]
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