Cetacean Translation Initiative: a roadmap to deciphering the communication of sperm whales

Kavli Affiliate: Robert J. Wood | First 5 Authors: Jacob Andreas, Gašper Beguš, Michael M. Bronstein, Roee Diamant, Denley Delaney | Summary: The past decade has witnessed a groundbreaking rise of machine learning for human language analysis, with current methods capable of automatically accurately recovering various aspects of syntax and semantics – including sentence structure […]

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Electronic instabilities of kagome metals: saddle points and Landau theory

Kavli Affiliate: Leon Balents | First 5 Authors: Takamori Park, Mengxing Ye, Leon Balents, , | Summary: We study electronic instabilities of a kagome metal with a Fermi energy close to saddle points at the hexagonal Brillouin zone face centers. Using parquet renormalization group, we determine the leading and subleading instabilities, finding superconducting, charge, orbital […]

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High-performance lasers for fully integrated silicon nitride photonics

Kavli Affiliate: Kerry J. Vahala | First 5 Authors: Chao Xiang, Joel Guo, Warren Jin, Jonathan Peters, Weiqiang Xie | Summary: Silicon nitride (SiN) waveguides with ultra-low optical loss enable integrated photonic applications including low noise, narrow linewidth lasers, chip-scale nonlinear photonics, and microwave photonics. Lasers are key components to SiN photonic integrated circuits (PICs), […]

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