Apparent nonlinear damping triggered by quantum fluctuations

Kavli Affiliate: Gary A. Steele | First 5 Authors: Mario F. Gely, Adrián Sanz Mora, Shun Yanai, Rik van der Spek, Daniel Bothner | Summary: Nonlinear damping, the change in damping rate with the amplitude of oscillations plays an important role in many electrical, mechanical and even biological oscillators. In novel technologies such as carbon […]

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Emergence of nonlinear friction from quantum fluctuations

Kavli Affiliate: Gary A. Steele | First 5 Authors: Mario F. Gely, Adrián Sanz Mora, Shun Yanai, Rik van der Spek, Daniel Bothner | Summary: Nonlinear damping, a force of friction that depends on the amplitude of motion, plays an important role in many electrical, mechanical and even biological oscillators. In novel technologies such as […]

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Selectivity in yttrium manganese oxide synthesis via local chemical potentials in hyperdimensional phase space

Kavli Affiliate: Kristin A. Persson | First 5 Authors: Paul K. Todd, Matthew J. McDermott, Christopher L. Rom, Adam A. Corrao, Jonathan J. Denney | Summary: In sharp contrast to molecular synthesis, materials synthesis is generally presumed to lack selectivity. The few known methods of designing selectivity in solid-state reactions have limited scope, such as […]

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