Ultra-sensitive and Wide Bandwidth Thermal Measurements of Graphene at Low Temperatures

Kavli Affiliate: Keith Schwab | First 5 Authors: , , , , | Summary: Graphene is a material with remarkable electronic properties and exceptional thermal transport properties near room temperature, which have been well examined and understood. However at very low temperatures the thermodynamic and thermal transport properties are much less well explored and somewhat […]

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Ultra-sensitive and Wide Bandwidth Thermal Measurements of Graphene at Low Temperatures

Kavli Affiliate: Keith Schwab | First 5 Authors: Kin Chung Fong, Keith Schwab, , , | Summary: Graphene is a material with remarkable electronic properties and exceptional thermal transport properties near room temperature, which have been well examined and understood. However at very low temperatures the thermodynamic and thermal transport properties are much less well […]

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AVAST Survey 0.4-1.0 μm Spectroscopy of Igneous Asteroids in the Inner and Middle Main Belt

Kavli Affiliate: Geza Gyuk | First 5 Authors: Michael Solontoi, Mark Hammergren, Geza Gyuk, Andrew Puckett, | Summary: We present the spectra of 60 asteroids, including 47 V-types observed during the first phase of the Adler V-Type Asteroid (AVAST) Survey. SDSS photometry was used to select candidate V-type asteroids for follow up by nature of […]

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Reduction of thermal fluctuations in a cryogenic laser interferometric gravitational wave detector

Kavli Affiliate: Tomiyoshi Haruyama | First 5 Authors: Takashi Uchiyama, Shinji Miyoki, Souichi Telada, Kazuhiro Yamamoto, Masatake Ohashi | Summary: The thermal fluctuation of mirror surfaces is the fundamental limitation for interferometric gravitational wave (GW) detectors. Here, we experimentally demonstrate for the first time a reduction in a mirror’s thermal fluctuation in a GW detector […]

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