Share With Thy Neighbors: Single-View Reconstruction by Cross-Instance Consistency

Kavli Affiliate: Matthew Fisher | First 5 Authors: Tom Monnier, Matthew Fisher, Alexei A. Efros, Mathieu Aubry, | Summary: Approaches to single-view reconstruction typically rely on viewpoint annotations, silhouettes, the absence of background, multiple views of the same instance, a template shape, or symmetry. We avoid all of these supervisions and hypotheses by leveraging explicitly […]

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Universal three-state nematicity and magneto-optical Kerr effect in the charge density waves in AV$_3$Sb$_5$ (A=Cs, Rb, K)

Kavli Affiliate: Leon Balents | First 5 Authors: Yishuai Xu, Zhuoliang Ni, Yizhou Liu, Brenden R. Ortiz, Stephen D. Wilson | Summary: The kagome lattice provides a fascinating playground to study geometrical frustration, topology and strong correlations. The newly discovered kagome metals AV$_3$Sb$_5$ (A=K, Rb, Cs) exhibit various interesting phenomena including topological band structure and […]

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Universal three-state nematicity and magneto-optical Kerr effect in the charge density waves in AV$_3$Sb$_5$ (A=Cs, Rb, K)

Kavli Affiliate: Leon Balents | First 5 Authors: Yishuai Xu, Zhuoliang Ni, Yizhou Liu, Brenden R. Ortiz, Stephen D. Wilson | Summary: The kagome lattice provides a fascinating playground to study geometrical frustration, topology and strong correlations. The newly discovered kagome metals AV$_3$Sb$_5$ (A=K, Rb, Cs) exhibit various interesting phenomena including topological band structure and […]

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Twisted bilayer U(1) Dirac spin liquids

Kavli Affiliate: Leon Balents | First 5 Authors: Zhu-Xi Luo, Urban F. P. Seifert, Leon Balents, , | Summary: When two layers of two-dimensional materials are assembled with a relative twist, moir’e patterns arise, inducing a tremendous wealth of exotic phenomena. In this work, we consider twisting two triangular lattices hosting Dirac quantum spin liquids. […]

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Anti-chiral order and spin reorientation transitions of triangle-based antiferromagnets

Kavli Affiliate: Leon Balents | First 5 Authors: Leon Balents, , , , | Summary: We show that triangle-based antiferromagnets with "anti-chiral" order display a non-trivial dependence of the spin orientation with an in-plane field. The spins evolve from rotating in the opposite sense to the field at very low fields to rotating in the […]

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Thermal Conductivity and Theory of Inelastic Scattering of Phonons by Collective Fluctuations

Kavli Affiliate: Leon Balents | First 5 Authors: Léo Mangeolle, Leon Balents, Lucile Savary, , | Summary: We study the intrinsic scattering of phonons by a general quantum degree of freedom, i.e. a fluctuating "field" $Q$, which may have completely general correlations, restricted only by unitarity and translational invariance. From the induced scattering rates, we […]

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Ultrafast optical excitation of magnetic dynamics in van der Waals magnets: Coherent magnons and BKT dynamics in NiPS$_3$

Kavli Affiliate: Leon Balents | First 5 Authors: Urban F. P. Seifert, Mengxing Ye, Leon Balents, , | Summary: Optical pump-probe experiments carried out in the time domain reveal both the intrinsic low energy dynamics and its connections to higher energy excitations in correlated electron systems. In this work, we propose two microscopic mechanisms for […]

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Realization of Quantum Dipoles in Triangular Lattice Crystal Ba3Yb(BO3)3

Kavli Affiliate: Leon Balents | First 5 Authors: Rabindranath Bag, Matthew Ennis, Chunxiao Liu, Sachith E. Dissanayake, Zhenzhong Shi | Summary: We investigate the thermodynamic properties of the ytterbium-based triangular lattice compound Ba3Yb(BO3)3. The results demonstrate the absence of any long-range ordering down to 56 mK. Analysis of the magnetization, susceptibility and specific heat measurements […]

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A convergent inflation hierarchy for quantum causal structures

Kavli Affiliate: David Gross | First 5 Authors: Laurens T. Ligthart, Mariami Gachechiladze, David Gross, , | Summary: A causal structure is a description of the functional dependencies between random variables. A distribution is compatible with a given causal structure if it can be realized by a process respecting these dependencies. Deciding whether a distribution […]

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