Efficient unitary designs with a system-size independent number of non-Clifford gates

Kavli Affiliate: David Gross | First 5 Authors: Jonas Haferkamp, Felipe Montealegre-Mora, Markus Heinrich, Jens Eisert, David Gross | Summary: Many quantum information protocols require the implementation of random unitaries. Because it takes exponential resources to produce Haar-random unitaries drawn from the full $n$-qubit group, one often resorts to $t$-designs. Unitary $t$-designs mimic the Haar-measure […]

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Hamiltonian deformations in quantum mechanics, $Tbar T$, and SYK

Kavli Affiliate: David J. Gross | First 5 Authors: David J. Gross, Jorrit Kruthoff, Andrew Rolph, Edgar Shaghoulian, | Summary: Motivated by $Tbar T$, we introduce and study a wide class of solvable deformations of quantum-mechanical theories. These deformations map the Hamiltonian to a function of itself. We solve these theories by computing all finite-temperature […]

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Hamiltonian deformations in quantum mechanics, $Tbar T$, and SYK

Kavli Affiliate: David J. Gross | First 5 Authors: David J. Gross, Jorrit Kruthoff, Andrew Rolph, Edgar Shaghoulian, | Summary: Motivated by $Tbar T$, we introduce and study a wide class of solvable deformations of quantum-mechanical theories. These deformations map the Hamiltonian to a function of itself. We solve these theories by computing all finite-temperature […]

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$Toverline{T}$ in AdS$_2$ and Quantum Mechanics

Kavli Affiliate: David J. Gross | First 5 Authors: David J. Gross, Jorrit Kruthoff, Andrew Rolph, Edgar Shaghoulian, | Summary: Quantum field theory in zero spatial dimensions has a rich infrared landscape and a universal ultraviolet, inverting the usual Wilsonian paradigm. For holographic theories this implies a rich landscape of asymptotically AdS$_2$ geometries. Isolating the […]

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$Toverline{T}$ in AdS$_2$ and Quantum Mechanics

Kavli Affiliate: David J. Gross | First 5 Authors: David J. Gross, Jorrit Kruthoff, Andrew Rolph, Edgar Shaghoulian, | Summary: Quantum field theory in zero spatial dimensions has a rich infrared landscape and a universal ultraviolet, inverting the usual Wilsonian paradigm. For holographic theories this implies a rich landscape of asymptotically AdS$_2$ geometries. Isolating the […]

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Diffraction limited centimeter scale radiator: metasurface grating antenna for phased array LiDAR

Kavli Affiliate: Larry Coldren | First 5 Authors: Weiqiang Xie, Jinxi Huang, Tin Komljenovic, Larry Coldren, John Bowers | Summary: In this paper, we demonstrate a radiation-strength-chirped metasurface centimeter-long grating antenna, whose beam quality is approaching the diffraction limit in its footprint with 90 percent efficiency.Instead of chirping the duty cycle to tune radiation strength, […]

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Efficient and accurate modeling of multi-wavelength propagation in SOAs: a generalized coupled-mode approach

Kavli Affiliate: Larry Coldren | First 5 Authors: Cristian Antonelli, Antonio Mecozzi, Wangzhe Li, Larry Coldren, | Summary: We present a model for multi-wavelength mixing in semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs) based on coupled-mode equations. The proposed model applies to all kinds of SOA structures, takes into account the longitudinal dependence of carrier density caused by […]

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Quantum dot nonlinearity through cavity-enhanced feedback with a charge memory

Kavli Affiliate: Larry Coldren | First 5 Authors: Morten P. Bakker, Thomas Ruytenberg, Wolfgang Loffler, Ajit V. Barve, Larry Coldren | Summary: In an oxide apertured quantum dot (QD) micropillar cavity-QED system, we found strong QD hysteresis effects and lineshape modifications even at very low intensities corresponding to less than 0.001 intracavity photons. We attribute […]

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Planar sheets meet negative curvature liquid interfaces

Kavli Affiliate: Mark Bowick | First 5 Authors: Zhenwei Yao, Mark Bowick, Xu Ma, Rastko Sknepnek, | Summary: If an inextensible thin sheet is adhered to a substrate with a negative Gaussian curvature it will experience stress due to geometric frustration. We analyze the consequences of such geometric frustration using analytic arguments and numerical simulations. […]

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