Weak Ergodicity Breaking in Non-Hermitian Many-body Systems

Kavli Affiliate: Zheng Zhu | First 5 Authors: Qianqian Chen, Shuai A. Chen, Zheng Zhu, , | Summary: The recent discovery of persistent revivals in the Rydberg-atom quantum simulator has revealed a weakly ergodicity-breaking mechanism dubbed quantum many-body scars, which are a set of nonthermal states embedded in otherwise thermal spectra. Until now, such a […]

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Selected Topics in Analytic Conformal Bootstrap: A Guided Journey

Kavli Affiliate: Xinan Zhou | First 5 Authors: Agnese Bissi, Aninda Sinha, Xinan Zhou, , | Summary: This review aims to offer a pedagogical introduction to the analytic conformal bootstrap program via a journey through selected topics. We review analytic methods which include the large spin perturbation theory, Mellin space methods and the Lorentzian inversion […]

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Proposal for asymmetric photoemission and tunneling spectroscopies in quantum simulators of the triangular-lattice Fermi-Hubbard model

Kavli Affiliate: Zheng Zhu | First 5 Authors: Shuai A. Chen, Qianqian Chen, Zheng Zhu, , | Summary: Recent realization of well-controlled quantum simulators of the triangular-lattice Fermi-Hubbard model, including the triangular optical lattices loaded with ultracold Fermions and the heterostructures of the transition-metal dichalcogenides, as well as the more advanced techniques to probe them, […]

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Detecting Preformed-Pair Current through Nonequilibrium Noise in the BCS–BEC Crossover

Kavli Affiliate: Mamoru Matsuo | First 5 Authors: Hiroyuki Tajima, Daigo Oue, Mamoru Matsuo, Takeo Kato, | Summary: We theoretically propose a method to identify the tunneling current carrier in interacting fermions from nonequilibrium noise in the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer to Bose–Einstein condensate crossover. The noise-to-current ratio, the Fano factor, can be a crucial probe for the […]

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Crystalline correlations emergent from a smooth crossover of mass-imbalanced Fermi polaron

Kavli Affiliate: Cheng Peng | First 5 Authors: Ruijin Liu, Cheng Peng, Xiaoling Cui, , | Summary: Identifying few-body correlations is an efficient tool to solve complex many-body problems. The polarons, interpolating between few- and many-body systems, serve as an ideal platform to achieve the goal. In this work, we reveal various crystalline few-body correlations […]

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Emergence of Crystalline Few-body Correlations in Mass-imbalanced Fermi Polarons

Kavli Affiliate: Cheng Peng | First 5 Authors: Ruijin Liu, Cheng Peng, Xiaoling Cui, , | Summary: Identifying few-body correlations is an efficient tool to solve complex many-body problems. Polarons, interpolating between few- and many-body systems, serve as an ideal platform to achieve the goal. In this work, we reveal the emergence of various crystalline […]

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On Unbalanced Optimal Transport: Gradient Methods, Sparsity and Approximation Error

Kavli Affiliate: Yi Zhou | First 5 Authors: Quang Minh Nguyen, Hoang H. Nguyen, Yi Zhou, Lam M. Nguyen, | Summary: We study the Unbalanced Optimal Transport (UOT) between two measures of possibly different masses with at most $n$ components, where marginal constraints of the standard Optimal Transport (OT) are relaxed via Kullback-Leibler divergence with […]

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On Unbalanced Optimal Transport: Gradient Methods, Sparsity and Approximation Error

Kavli Affiliate: Yi Zhou | First 5 Authors: Quang Minh Nguyen, Hoang H. Nguyen, Yi Zhou, Lam M. Nguyen, | Summary: We study the Unbalanced Optimal Transport (UOT) between two measures of possibly different masses with at most $n$ components, where the marginal constraints of standard Optimal Transport (OT) are relaxed via Kullback-Leibler divergence with […]

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Crafting Better Contrastive Views for Siamese Representation Learning

Kavli Affiliate: Zheng Zhu | First 5 Authors: Xiangyu Peng, Kai Wang, Zheng Zhu, Mang Wang, Yang You | Summary: Recent self-supervised contrastive learning methods greatly benefit from the Siamese structure that aims at minimizing distances between positive pairs. For high performance Siamese representation learning, one of the keys is to design good contrastive pairs. […]

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Unsupervised Long-Term Person Re-Identification with Clothes Change

Kavli Affiliate: Cheng Peng | First 5 Authors: Mingkun Li, Shupeng Cheng, Peng Xu, Xiatian Zhu, Chun-Guang Li | Summary: We investigate unsupervised person re-identification (Re-ID) with clothes change, a new challenging problem with more practical usability and scalability to real-world deployment. Most existing re-id methods artificially assume the clothes of every single person to […]

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