Doped Mott Insulators in the Triangular Lattice Hubbard Model

Kavli Affiliate: Zheng Zhu | First 5 Authors: Zheng Zhu, D. N. Sheng, Ashvin Vishwanath, , | Summary: We investigate the evolution of the Mott insulators in the triangular lattice Hubbard Model, as a function of hole doping $delta$ in both the strong and intermediate coupling limits. Using the advanced density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) […]

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Multi-defect Dynamics in Active Nematics

Kavli Affiliate: Boris I. Shraiman | First 5 Authors: Farzan Vafa, Mark J. Bowick, M. Cristina Marchetti, Boris I. Shraiman, | Summary: Recent experiments and numerical studies have drawn attention to the dynamics of active nematics. Two-dimensional active nematics flow spontaneously and exhibit spatiotemporal chaotic flows with proliferation of topological defects in the nematic texture. […]

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Multi-defect Dynamics in Active Nematics

Kavli Affiliate: Boris I. Shraiman | First 5 Authors: Farzan Vafa, Mark J. Bowick, M. Cristina Marchetti, Boris I. Shraiman, | Summary: Recent experiments and numerical studies have drawn attention to the dynamics of active nematics. Two-dimensional active nematics flow spontaneously and exhibit spatiotemporal chaotic flows with proliferation of topological defects in the nematic texture. […]

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Multi-defect Dynamics in Active Nematics

Kavli Affiliate: Boris I. Shraiman | First 5 Authors: Farzan Vafa, Mark J. Bowick, M. Cristina Marchetti, Boris I. Shraiman, | Summary: Recent experiments and numerical studies have drawn attention to the dynamics of active nematics. Two-dimensional active nematics flow spontaneously and exhibit spatiotemporal chaotic flows with proliferation of topological defects in the nematic texture. […]

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Enhanced corrections near holographic entanglement transitions: a chaotic case study

Kavli Affiliate: Huajia Wang | First 5 Authors: Xi Dong, Huajia Wang, , , | Summary: Recent work found an enhanced correction to the entanglement entropy of a subsystem in a chaotic energy eigenstate. The enhanced correction appears near a phase transition in the entanglement entropy that happens when the subsystem size is half of […]

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A consensus-based approach for parameter and state estimation of agro-hydrological system

Kavli Affiliate: Biao Huang | First 5 Authors: Xunyuan Yin, Song Bo, Jinfeng Liu, Biao Huang, | Summary: The development of advanced closed-loop irrigation systems requires accurate soil moisture information. In this work, we address the problem of soil moisture estimation for the agro-hydrological systems in a robust and reliable manner. A nonlinear state-space model […]

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Entanglement of Local Operators and the Butterfly Effect

Kavli Affiliate: Masahiro Nozaki | First 5 Authors: Jonah Kudler-Flam, Masahiro Nozaki, Shinsei Ryu, Mao Tian Tan, | Summary: We study the robustness of quantum and classical information to perturbations implemented by local operator insertions. We do this by computing multipartite entanglement measures in the Hilbert space of local operators in the Heisenberg picture. The […]

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Atomic line defects and topological superconductivity in unconventional superconductors

Kavli Affiliate: Fuchun Zhang | First 5 Authors: Yi Zhang, Kun Jiang, Fuchun Zhang, Jian Wang, Ziqiang Wang | Summary: Topological superconductors (TSCs) are correlated quantum states with simultaneous off-diagonal long-range order and nontrivial topological invariants. They produce gapless or zero energy boundary excitations, including Majorana zero modes and chiral Majorana edge states with topologically […]

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Defect CFT in the 6d (2,0) theory from M2 brane dynamics in AdS$_7 times$S$^4$

Kavli Affiliate: Xinan Zhou | First 5 Authors: Nadav Drukker, Simone Giombi, Arkady A. Tseytlin, Xinan Zhou, | Summary: Surface operators in the 6d (2,0) theory at large $N$ have a holographic description in terms of M2 branes probing the AdS$_7 times S^4$ M-theory background. The most symmetric, 1/2-BPS, operator is defined over a planar […]

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Conformal invariance and quantum non-locality in critical hybrid circuits

Kavli Affiliate: Matthew P. A. Fisher | First 5 Authors: Yaodong Li, Xiao Chen, Andreas W. W. Ludwig, Matthew P. A. Fisher, | Summary: We establish the emergence of a conformal field theory (CFT) in a (1+1)-dimensional hybrid quantum circuit right at the measurement-driven entanglement transition by revealing space-time conformal covariance of entanglement entropies and […]

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