Superconductivity in doped triangular Mott insulators: the roles of parent spin backgrounds and charge kinetic energy

Kavli Affiliate: Zheng Zhu | First 5 Authors: Zheng Zhu, Qianqian Chen, , , | Summary: We study the prerequisites for realizing superconductivity in doped triangular-lattice Mott insulators by considering three distinct parent spin backgrounds, i.e., $120^{circ}$ antiferromagnets, quantum spin liquid, and stripy antiferromagnets, and all possible sign combinations $(tau_1, tau_2)$ of nearest-neighbor hopping and […]

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OPERA: Omni-Supervised Representation Learning with Hierarchical Supervisions

Kavli Affiliate: Zheng Zhu | First 5 Authors: Chengkun Wang, Wenzhao Zheng, Zheng Zhu, Jie Zhou, Jiwen Lu | Summary: The pretrain-finetune paradigm in modern computer vision facilitates the success of self-supervised learning, which tends to achieve better transferability than supervised learning. However, with the availability of massive labeled data, a natural question emerges: how […]

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DA-VSR: Domain Adaptable Volumetric Super-Resolution For Medical Images

Kavli Affiliate: Cheng Peng | First 5 Authors: Cheng Peng, S. Kevin Zhou, Rama Chellappa, , | Summary: Medical image super-resolution (SR) is an active research area that has many potential applications, including reducing scan time, bettering visual understanding, increasing robustness in downstream tasks, etc. However, applying deep-learning-based SR approaches for clinical applications often encounters […]

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Multi-Modal Human Authentication Using Silhouettes, Gait and RGB

Kavli Affiliate: Cheng Peng | First 5 Authors: Yuxiang Guo, Cheng Peng, Chun Pong Lau, Rama Chellappa, | Summary: Whole-body-based human authentication is a promising approach for remote biometrics scenarios. Current literature focuses on either body recognition based on RGB images or gait recognition based on body shapes and walking patterns; both have their advantages […]

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PARAGEN : A Parallel Generation Toolkit

Kavli Affiliate: Yi Zhou | First 5 Authors: Jiangtao Feng, Yi Zhou, Jun Zhang, Xian Qian, Liwei Wu | Summary: PARAGEN is a PyTorch-based NLP toolkit for further development on parallel generation. PARAGEN provides thirteen types of customizable plugins, helping users to experiment quickly with novel ideas across model architectures, optimization, and learning strategies. We […]

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Diamond-like carbon coatings for cryogenic operation of particle detectors

Kavli Affiliate: Yi Zhou | First 5 Authors: Sara Leardini, Yi Zhou, Andrea Tesi, Miguel Morales, Diego González-Díaz | Summary: Characterization of diamond-like carbon (DLC) coatings at cryogenic temperatures (down to 77 K) is presented, covering the electrical resistivity range of practical interest to gaseous and liquid particle instrumentation: 10^-1-10^5 Mohm/sq. The good behaviour observed […]

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Synthesizing Spectra from 3D Radiation Hydrodynamic Models of Massive Stars Using Monte Carlo Radiation Transport

Kavli Affiliate: Lars Bildsten | First 5 Authors: William C. Schultz, Benny T. H. Tsang, Lars Bildsten, Yan-Fei Jiang, | Summary: Observations indicate that turbulent motions are present on most massive star surfaces. Starting from the observed phenomena of spectral lines with widths much larger than thermal broadening (e.g. micro- and macroturbulence) to the detection […]

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Zero-Shot 3D Drug Design by Sketching and Generating

Kavli Affiliate: Yi Zhou | First 5 Authors: Siyu Long, Yi Zhou, Xinyu Dai, Hao Zhou, | Summary: Drug design is a crucial step in the drug discovery cycle. Recently, various deep learning-based methods design drugs by generating novel molecules from scratch, avoiding traversing large-scale drug libraries. However, they depend on scarce experimental data or […]

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Modern Machine Learning Tools for Monitoring and Control of Industrial Processes: A Survey

Kavli Affiliate: Biao Huang | First 5 Authors: R. Bhushan Gopaluni, Aditya Tulsyan, Benoit Chachuat, Biao Huang, Jong Min Lee | Summary: Over the last ten years, we have seen a significant increase in industrial data, tremendous improvement in computational power, and major theoretical advances in machine learning. This opens up an opportunity to use […]

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