COCA: Classifier-Oriented Calibration for Source-Free Universal Domain Adaptation via Textual Prototype

Kavli Affiliate: Yi Zhou | First 5 Authors: Xinghong Liu, Yi Zhou, Tao Zhou, Chun-Mei Feng, Ling Shao | Summary: Universal Domain Adaptation (UniDA) aims to distinguish common and private classes between the source and target domains where domain shift exists. Recently, due to more stringent data restrictions, researchers have introduced Source-Free UniDA (SF-UniDA) in […]

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COCA: Classifier-Oriented Calibration via Textual Prototype for Source-Free Universal Domain Adaptation

Kavli Affiliate: Yi Zhou | First 5 Authors: Xinghong Liu, Yi Zhou, Tao Zhou, Chun-Mei Feng, Ling Shao | Summary: Universal domain adaptation (UniDA) aims to address domain and category shifts across data sources. Recently, due to more stringent data restrictions, researchers have introduced source-free UniDA (SF-UniDA). SF-UniDA methods eliminate the need for direct access […]

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COCA: Classifier-Oriented Calibration via Textual Prototype for Source-Free Universal Domain Adaptation

Kavli Affiliate: Yi Zhou | First 5 Authors: Xinghong Liu, Yi Zhou, Tao Zhou, Chun-Mei Feng, Ling Shao | Summary: Universal domain adaptation (UniDA) aims to address domain and category shifts across data sources. Recently, due to more stringent data restrictions, researchers have introduced source-free UniDA (SF-UniDA). SF-UniDA methods eliminate the need for direct access […]

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The effect of the adiabatic assumption on asteroseismic scaling relations for luminous red giants

Kavli Affiliate: Lars Bildsten | First 5 Authors: Joel C. Zinn, Marc H. Pinsonneault, Lars Bildsten, Dennis Stello, | Summary: Although stellar radii from asteroseismic scaling relations agree at the percent level with independent estimates for main sequence and most first-ascent red giant branch stars, the scaling relations over-predict radii at the tens of percent […]

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The effect of the adiabatic assumption on asteroseismic scaling relations for luminous red giants

Kavli Affiliate: Lars Bildsten | First 5 Authors: Joel C. Zinn, Marc H. Pinsonneault, Lars Bildsten, Dennis Stello, | Summary: Although stellar radii from asteroseismic scaling relations agree at the percent level with independent estimates for main sequence and most first-ascent red giant branch stars, the scaling relations over-predict radii at the tens of percent […]

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Tree-of-Mixed-Thought: Combining Fast and Slow Thinking for Multi-hop Visual Reasoning

Kavli Affiliate: Yi Zhou | First 5 Authors: Pengbo Hu, Ji Qi, Xingyu Li, Hong Li, Xinqi Wang | Summary: There emerges a promising trend of using large language models (LLMs) to generate code-like plans for complex inference tasks such as visual reasoning. This paradigm, known as LLM-based planning, provides flexibility in problem solving and […]

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Boosting Multi-modal Model Performance with Adaptive Gradient Modulation

Kavli Affiliate: Yi Zhou | First 5 Authors: Hong Li, Xingyu Li, Pengbo Hu, Yinuo Lei, Chunxiao Li | Summary: While the field of multi-modal learning keeps growing fast, the deficiency of the standard joint training paradigm has become clear through recent studies. They attribute the sub-optimal performance of the jointly trained model to the […]

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Unveiling Correlated Topological Insulators through Fermionic Tensor Network States — Classification, Edge Theories and Variational Wavefunctions

Kavli Affiliate: Shenghan Jiang | First 5 Authors: Chao Xu, Yixin Ma, Shenghan Jiang, , | Summary: The study of topological band insulators has revealed fascinating phases characterized by band topology indices, harboring extraordinary boundary modes protected by anomalous symmetry actions. In strongly correlated systems, where the traditional notion of electronic bands becomes obsolete, it […]

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Unveiling Correlated Two-dimensional Topological Insulators through Fermionic Tensor Network States — Classification, Edge Theories and Variational Wavefunctions

Kavli Affiliate: Shenghan Jiang | First 5 Authors: Chao Xu, Yixin Ma, Shenghan Jiang, , | Summary: The study of topological band insulators has revealed fascinating phases characterized by band topology indices and anomalous boundary modes protected by global symmetries. In strongly correlated systems, where the traditional notion of electronic bands becomes obsolete, it has […]

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Dynamical Majorana Ising spin response in a topological superconductor-magnet hybrid by microwave irradiation

Kavli Affiliate: Mamoru Matsuo | First 5 Authors: Yuya Ominato, Ai Yamakage, Mamoru Matsuo, , | Summary: We study a dynamical spin response of surface Majorana fermions in a topological superconductor-magnet hybrid under microwave irradiation. We find a method to toggle between dissipative and non-dissipative Majorana Ising spin dynamics by adjusting the external magnetic field […]

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