Spatial deformation of many-body quantum chaotic systems and quantum information scrambling

Kavli Affiliate: Masahiro Nozaki | First 5 Authors: Kanato Goto, Taozhi Guo, Tomoki Nosaka, Masahiro Nozaki, Shinsei Ryu | Summary: We study the effect of spatial inhomogeneity on quantum information scrambling, a process of spreading and locally hiding quantum information in quantum many-body systems. As a paradigmatic example, we consider the quantum chaotic Ising spin […]

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Continuous symmetry breaking in adaptive quantum dynamics

Kavli Affiliate: Matthew P. A. Fisher | First 5 Authors: Jacob Hauser, Yaodong Li, Sagar Vijay, Matthew P. A. Fisher | Summary: Adaptive quantum circuits, in which unitary operations, measurements, and feedback are used to steer quantum many-body systems, provide an exciting opportunity to generate new dynamical steady states. We introduce an adaptive quantum dynamics […]

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Spin-polarons and ferromagnetism in doped dilute Wigner-Mott insulators

Kavli Affiliate: Leon Balents | First 5 Authors: Urban F. P. Seifert, Leon Balents | Summary: Moir’e heterostructures of transition metal dichalcogenides exhibit Mott-insulating behaviour both at half-filling as well as at fractional fillings, where electronic degrees of freedom form self-organized Wigner crystal states. An open question concerns magnetic states obtained by lifting the pseudospin-1/2 […]

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Spin-polarons and ferromagnetism in doped dilute Wigner-Mott insulators

Kavli Affiliate: Leon Balents | First 5 Authors: Urban F. P. Seifert, Leon Balents, , , | Summary: Moir’e heterostructures of transition metal dichalcogenides exhibit Mott-insulating behaviour both at half-filling as well as at fractional fillings, where electronic degrees of freedom form self-organized Wigner crystal states. An open question concerns magnetic states obtained by lifting […]

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Spin-polarons and ferromagnetism in doped dilute Wigner-Mott insulators

Kavli Affiliate: Leon Balents | First 5 Authors: Urban F. P. Seifert, Leon Balents, , , | Summary: Moir’e heterostructures of transition metal dichalcogenides exhibit Mott-insulating behaviour both at half-filling as well as at fractional fillings, where electronic degrees of freedom form self-organized Wigner crystal states. An open question concerns magnetic states obtained by lifting […]

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Aspects of higher-point functions in BCFT$_d$

Kavli Affiliate: Xinan Zhou | First 5 Authors: Junding Chen, Xinan Zhou, , , | Summary: We study three-point correlation functions of scalar operators in conformal field theories with boundaries and interfaces. We focus on two cases where there are one bulk and two boundary operators (B$partialpartial$), or two bulk and one boundary operators (BB$partial$). […]

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Giant planet engulfment by evolved giant stars: light curves, asteroseismology, and survivability

Kavli Affiliate: Lars Bildsten | First 5 Authors: Christopher E. O’Connor, Lars Bildsten, Matteo Cantiello, Dong Lai | Summary: About ten percent of Sun-like ($1$-$2 M_odot$) stars will engulf a $1$-$10 M_{rm J}$ planet as they expand during the red giant branch (RGB) or asymptotic giant branch (AGB) phase of their evolution. Once engulfed, these […]

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Giant planet engulfment by evolved giant stars: light curves, asteroseismology, and survivability

Kavli Affiliate: Lars Bildsten | First 5 Authors: Christopher E. O’Connor, Lars Bildsten, Matteo Cantiello, Dong Lai, | Summary: About ten percent of Sun-like ($1$-$2 M_odot$) stars will engulf a $1$-$10 M_{rm J}$ planet as they expand during the red giant branch (RGB) or asymptotic giant branch (AGB) phase of their evolution. Once engulfed, these […]

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Estimation of minimum miscibility pressure (MMP) in impure/pure N2 based enhanced oil recovery process: A comparative study of statistical and machine learning algorithms

Kavli Affiliate: Biao Huang | First 5 Authors: Xiuli Zhu, Seshu Kumar Damarla, Biao Huang, , | Summary: Minimum miscibility pressure (MMP) prediction plays an important role in design and operation of nitrogen based enhanced oil recovery processes. In this work, a comparative study of statistical and machine learning methods used for MMP estimation is […]

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Two-stream instability with a growth rate insensitive to collisions in a dissipative plasma jet

Kavli Affiliate: Yi Zhou | First 5 Authors: Yi Zhou, Paul M. Bellan | Summary: The two-stream instability (Buneman instability) is traditionally derived as a collisionless instability with the presumption that collisions inhibit this instability. We show here via a combination of a collisional two-fluid model and associated experimental observations made in the Caltech plasma […]

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