The Assembly of Black Hole Mass and Luminosity Functions of High-redshift Quasars via Multiple Accretion Episodes

Kavli Affiliate: Kohei Inayoshi | First 5 Authors: Wenxiu Li, Kohei Inayoshi, Masafusa Onoue, Daisuke Toyouchi, | Summary: The early evolution of the quasar luminosity function (QLF) and black hole mass function (BHMF) encodes key information on the physics determining the radiative and accretion processes of supermassive black holes (BHs) in high-$z$ quasars. Although the […]

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A novel $sqrt{19}timessqrt{19}$ superstructure in epitaxially grown 1T-TaTe$_2$

Kavli Affiliate: Michael F. Crommie | First 5 Authors: Jinwoong Hwang, Yeongrok Jin, Canxun Zhang, Tiancong Zhu, Kyoo Kim | Summary: The spontaneous formation of electronic orders is a crucial element for understanding complex quantum states and engineering heterostructures in two-dimensional materials. We report a novel $sqrt{19}timessqrt{19}$ charge order in few-layer thick 1T-TaTe$_2$ transition metal […]

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Mechanisms of adjustments to different types of uncertainty in the reward environment across mice and monkeys

Kavli Affiliate: Jeremiah Cohen | Authors: Jae Hyung Woo, Claudia G Aguirre, Bilal A Bari, Ken-Ichiro Tsutsui, Fabian Grabenhorst, Jeremiah Y Cohen, Wolfram Schultz, Alicia Izquierdo and Alireza Soltani | Summary: Abstract Despite being unpredictable and uncertain, reward environments often exhibit certain regularities, and animals navigating these environments try to detect and utilize such regularities […]

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A dense $mathbf{0.1 M_{rm odot}}$ star in a 51-minute orbital period eclipsing binary

Kavli Affiliate: Erin Kara | First 5 Authors: Kevin B. Burdge, Kareem El-Badry, Thomas R. Marsh, Saul Rappaport, Warren R. Brown | Summary: In over a thousand known cataclysmic variables (CVs), where a white dwarf is accreting from a hydrogen-rich star, only a dozen have orbital periods below 75 minutes. One way to achieve these […]

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X-ray Reverberation Mapping of Ark 564 using Gaussian Process Regression

Kavli Affiliate: Daniel R. Wilkins | First 5 Authors: Collin D. Lewin, Erin Kara, Daniel R. Wilkins, Guglielmo Mastroserio, Javier A. GarcĂ­a | Summary: Ark 564 is an extreme high-Eddington Narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy, known for being one of the brightest, most rapidly variable soft X-ray AGN, and for having one of the lowest temperature […]

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A dense $mathbf{0.1 M_{rm odot}}$ star in a 51-minute orbital period eclipsing binary

Kavli Affiliate: Saul Rappaport | First 5 Authors: Kevin B. Burdge, Kareem El-Badry, Thomas R. Marsh, Saul Rappaport, Warren R. Brown | Summary: In over a thousand known cataclysmic variables (CVs), where a white dwarf is accreting from a hydrogen-rich star, only a dozen have orbital periods below 75 minutes. One way to achieve these […]

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Snowmass 2021 Cross Frontier Report: Dark Matter Complementarity (Extended Version)

Kavli Affiliate: Maria Elena Monzani | First 5 Authors: Antonio Boveia, Thomas Y. Chen, Caterina Doglioni, Alex Drlica-Wagner, Stefania Gori | Summary: The fundamental nature of Dark Matter is a central theme of the Snowmass 2021 process, extending across all frontiers. In the last decade, advances in detector technology, analysis techniques and theoretical modeling have […]

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Snowmass 2021 Cross Frontier Report: Dark Matter Complementarity (Extended Version)

Kavli Affiliate: Maria Elena Monzani | First 5 Authors: Antonio Boveia, Thomas Y. Chen, Caterina Doglioni, Alex Drlica-Wagner, Stefania Gori | Summary: The fundamental nature of Dark Matter is a central theme of the Snowmass 2021 process, extending across all frontiers. In the last decade, advances in detector technology, analysis techniques and theoretical modeling have […]

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Snowmass 2021 Cross Frontier Report: Dark Matter Complementarity (Extended Version)

Kavli Affiliate: Maria Elena Monzani | First 5 Authors: Antonio Boveia, Mohamed Berkat, Thomas Y. Chen, Aman Desai, Caterina Doglioni | Summary: The fundamental nature of Dark Matter is a central theme of the Snowmass 2021 process, extending across all frontiers. In the last decade, advances in detector technology, analysis techniques and theoretical modeling have […]

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TF1 Snowmass Report: Quantum gravity, string theory, and black holes

Kavli Affiliate: Emil Martinec | First 5 Authors: Daniel Harlow, Shamit Kachru, Juan Maldacena, Ibou Bah, Mike Blake | Summary: We give an overview of the field of quantum gravity, string theory and black holes summarizing various white papers in this subject that were submitted as part of the Snowmass process. | Search Query: ArXiv […]

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