A massive hot Jupiter orbiting a metal-rich early-M star discovered in the TESS full frame images

Kavli Affiliate: George R. Ricker | First 5 Authors: Tianjun Gan, Charles Cadieux, Farbod Jahandar, Allona Vazan, Sharon X. Wang | Summary: Observations and statistical studies have shown that giant planets are rare around M dwarfs compared with Sun-like stars. The formation mechanism of these extreme systems remains under debate for decades. With the help […]

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A massive hot Jupiter orbiting a metal-rich early-M star discovered in the TESS full frame images

Kavli Affiliate: Avi Shporer | First 5 Authors: Tianjun Gan, Charles Cadieux, Farbod Jahandar, Allona Vazan, Sharon X. Wang | Summary: Observations and statistical studies have shown that giant planets are rare around M dwarfs compared with Sun-like stars. The formation mechanism of these extreme systems remains under debate for decades. With the help of […]

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A massive hot Jupiter orbiting a metal-rich early-M star discovered in the TESS full frame images

Kavli Affiliate: Avi Shporer | First 5 Authors: Tianjun Gan, Charles Cadieux, Farbod Jahandar, Allona Vazan, Sharon X. Wang | Summary: Observations and statistical studies have shown that giant planets are rare around M dwarfs compared with Sun-like stars. The formation mechanism of these extreme systems remains under debate for decades. With the help of […]

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A massive hot Jupiter orbiting a metal-rich early-M star discovered in the TESS full frame images

Kavli Affiliate: Roland Vanderspek | First 5 Authors: Tianjun Gan, Charles Cadieux, Farbod Jahandar, Allona Vazan, Sharon X. Wang | Summary: Observations and statistical studies have shown that giant planets are rare around M dwarfs compared with Sun-like stars. The formation mechanism of these extreme systems remains under debate for decades. With the help of […]

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Ventral pallidum GABA and glutamate neurons drive approach and avoidance through distinct modulation of VTA cell types

Kavli Affiliate: Andrea Hasenstaub | Authors: David A. McCormick, Yousheng Shu and Andrea R Hasenstaub | Summary: The ventral pallidum (VP) contains GABA and glutamate (Glut) neurons projecting to ventral tegmental area (VTA) whose stimulation drives approach and avoidance, respectively. Yet little is known about the cell-type-specific mechanisms by which VP projections to VTA drive […]

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The h-current controls cortical recurrent network activity through modulation of dendrosomatic communication

Kavli Affiliate: Andrea Hasenstaub | Authors: David A. McCormick, Yousheng Shu and Andrea R Hasenstaub | Summary: A fundamental feature of the cerebral cortex is the ability to rapidly turn on and off maintained activity within ensembles of neurons through recurrent excitation balanced by inhibition. Here we demonstrate that reduction of the h-current, which is […]

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Resolving Non-identifiability Mitigates Bias in Models of Neural Tuning and Functional Coupling

Kavli Affiliate: Kristofer Bouchard, Loren Frank, Christoph Kirst | Authors: Pratik Sachdeva, Ji Hyun Bak, Jesse A Livezey, Loren Frank, Christoph Kirst, Sharmodeep Bhattacharyya and Kristofer Bouchard | Summary: In the brain, all neurons are driven by the activity of other neurons, some of which maybe simultaneously recorded, but most are not. As such, models […]

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An Exploration of AGN and Stellar Feedback Effects in the Intergalactic Medium via the Low Redshift Lyman-$α$ Forest

Kavli Affiliate: Mark Vogelsberger | First 5 Authors: Megan Taylor Tillman, Blakesley Burkhart, Stephanie Tonnesen, Simeon Bird, Greg L. Bryan | Summary: We explore the role of galactic feedback on the low redshift Lyman-$alpha$ (Ly$alpha$)~forest ($z lesssim 2$) statistics and its potential to alter the thermal state of the intergalactic medium. Using the Cosmology and […]

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An Exploration of AGN and Stellar Feedback Effects in the Intergalactic Medium via the Low Redshift Lyman-$α$ Forest

Kavli Affiliate: Mark Vogelsberger | First 5 Authors: Megan Taylor Tillman, Blakesley Burkhart, Stephanie Tonnesen, Simeon Bird, Greg L. Bryan | Summary: We explore the role of galactic feedback on the low redshift Lyman-$alpha$ (Ly$alpha$)~forest ($z lesssim 2$) statistics and its potential to alter the thermal state of the intergalactic medium. Using the Cosmology and […]

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The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Galactic Dust Structure and the Cosmic PAH Background in Cross-correlation with WISE

Kavli Affiliate: Susan E. Clark | First 5 Authors: Rodrigo Córdova Rosado, Brandon S. Hensley, Susan E. Clark, Adriaan J. Duivenvoorden, Zachary Atkins | Summary: We present a cross-correlation analysis between $1’$ resolution total intensity and polarization observations from the Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT) at 150 and 220 GHz and 15$”$ mid-infrared photometry from the […]

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