Looking in the axion mirror: An all-sky analysis of stimulated decay

Kavli Affiliate: Kiyoshi Wesley Masui | First 5 Authors: Yitian Sun, Katelin Schutz, Harper Sewalls, Calvin Leung, Kiyoshi Wesley Masui | Summary: Axion dark matter (DM) produces echo images of bright radio sources via stimulated decay. These images appear as a faint radio line centered at half the axion mass, with the line width set […]

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The THESAN project: connecting ionized bubble sizes to their local environments during the Epoch of Reionization

Kavli Affiliate: Mark Vogelsberger | First 5 Authors: Meredith Neyer, Aaron Smith, Rahul Kannan, Mark Vogelsberger, Enrico Garaldi | Summary: An important characteristic of cosmic reionization is the growth of ionized gas bubbles surrounding early luminous objects. Understanding the connections between the formation and coalescence of these bubbles and their originating astrophysical sources is equally […]

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The THESAN project: connecting ionized bubble sizes to their local environments during the Epoch of Reionization

Kavli Affiliate: Mark Vogelsberger | First 5 Authors: Meredith Neyer, Aaron Smith, Rahul Kannan, Mark Vogelsberger, Enrico Garaldi | Summary: An important characteristic of cosmic hydrogen reionization is the growth of ionized gas bubbles surrounding early luminous objects. Ionized bubble sizes are beginning to be probed using Lyman-$alpha$ emission from high-redshift galaxies, and will also […]

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Axion Universal Gravitational Wave Interpretation of Pulsar Timing Array Data

Kavli Affiliate: Misao Sasaki | First 5 Authors: Kaloian D. Lozanov, Shi Pi, Misao Sasaki, Volodymyr Takhistov, Ao Wang | Summary: Formation of cosmological solitons is generically accompanied by production of gravitational waves (GWs), with a universal GW background expected at frequency scales below that of non-linear dynamics. Beginning with a general phenomenological description of […]

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Axion-like Universal Gravitational Wave Interpretation of Pulsar Timing Array Data

Kavli Affiliate: Misao Sasaki | First 5 Authors: Kaloian D. Lozanov, Shi Pi, Misao Sasaki, Volodymyr Takhistov, Ao Wang | Summary: Formation of cosmological solitons is generically accompanied by production of gravitational waves (GWs), with a universal GW background expected at frequency scales below that of non-linear dynamics. Beginning with a general phenomenological description of […]

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SimLOD: Simultaneous LOD Generation and Rendering

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Wimmer | First 5 Authors: Markus Schütz, Lukas Herzberger, Michael Wimmer, , | Summary: About: We propose an incremental LOD generation approach for point clouds that allows us to simultaneously load points from disk, update an octree-based level-of-detail representation, and render the intermediate results in real time while additional points are still […]

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Certifiably Robust Graph Contrastive Learning

Kavli Affiliate: Xiang Zhang | First 5 Authors: Minhua Lin, Teng Xiao, Enyan Dai, Xiang Zhang, Suhang Wang | Summary: Graph Contrastive Learning (GCL) has emerged as a popular unsupervised graph representation learning method. However, it has been shown that GCL is vulnerable to adversarial attacks on both the graph structure and node attributes. Although […]

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Whole-cortex in situ sequencing reveals peripheral input-dependent cell type-defined area identity

Kavli Affiliate: Patrick Kanold | Authors: Xiaoyin Chen, Stephan Fischer, Mara CP Rue, Aixin Zhang, Didhiti Mukherjee, Patrick O Kanold, Jesse Gillis and Anthony Zador | Summary: The cortex is composed of neuronal types with diverse gene expression that are organized into specialized cortical areas. These areas, each with characteristic cytoarchitecture (Brodmann 1909; Vogt and […]

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Retrosplenial inputs drive diverse visual representations in the medial entorhinal cortex

Kavli Affiliate: Michael J Higley | Authors: Olivier Dubanet and Michael J. Higley | Summary: The ability of rodents to use visual cues for successful navigation and goal-directed behavior has been long appreciated, although the neural mechanisms supporting sensory representations in navigational circuits are largely unknown. Navigation is fundamentally dependent on the hippocampus and closely […]

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Optimization and Evaluation of Multi Robot Surface Inspection Through Particle Swarm Optimization

Kavli Affiliate: Radhika Nagpal | First 5 Authors: Darren Chiu, Radhika Nagpal, Bahar Haghighat, , | Summary: Robot swarms can be tasked with a variety of automated sensing and inspection applications in aerial, aquatic, and surface environments. In this paper, we study a simplified two-outcome surface inspection task. We task a group of robots to […]

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