Late Time Modification of Structure Growth and the S8 Tension

Kavli Affiliate: Chihway Chang | First 5 Authors: Meng-Xiang Lin, Bhuvnesh Jain, Marco Raveri, Eric J. Baxter, Chihway Chang | Summary: The $S_8$ tension between low-redshift galaxy surveys and the primary CMB signals a possible breakdown of the $Lambda$CDM model. Recently differing results have been obtained using low-redshift galaxy surveys and the higher redshifts probed […]

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On the dominant role of wind in the quasar feedback mode in the late stage evolution of massive elliptical galaxies

Kavli Affiliate: Yingjie Peng | First 5 Authors: , , , , | Summary: In this paper we investigate the role of AGN feedback on the late stage evolution of elliptical galaxies by performing high-resolution hydrodynamical simulation in the {it MACER} framework. By comparing models that take into account different feedback mechanisms, namely AGN and […]

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Determining Quasi-Equilibrium Electron and Hole Distributions from Plasmonic Photocatalysts using Photomodulated X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy

Kavli Affiliate: Scott K. Cushing | First 5 Authors: Levi D. Palmer, Wonseok Lee, Chung Li Dong, Ru-Shi Liu, Nianqiang Wu | Summary: Most photocatalytic and photovoltaic devices operate under broadband, constant illumination. Electron and hole dynamics in these devices, however, are usually measured using ultrafast pulsed lasers in a narrow wavelength range. In this […]

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Determining Quasi-Equilibrium Electron and Hole Distributions of Plasmonic Photocatalysts using Photomodulated X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy

Kavli Affiliate: Scott K. Cushing | First 5 Authors: Levi D. Palmer, Wonseok Lee, Chung Li Dong, Ru-Shi Liu, Nianqiang Wu | Summary: Most photocatalytic and photovoltaic devices operate under broadband, constant illumination. Electron and hole dynamics in these devices, however, are usually measured using ultrafast pulsed lasers in a narrow wavelength range. In this […]

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Overview and First Results of EUSO-SPB2

Kavli Affiliate: Angela V. Olinto | First 5 Authors: Johannes Eser, Angela V. Olinto, Lawrence Wiencke, , | Summary: Observing ultra-high energy cosmic rays (UHECR) and very high energy (VHE) neutrinos from space is a promising way to measure their extremely low fluxes by significantly increasing the observed volume. The Extreme Universe Space Observatory on […]

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Giant elastocaloric effect at low temperatures in TmVO$_4$ and implications for cryogenic cooling

Kavli Affiliate: Brad J. Ramshaw | First 5 Authors: Mark P. Zic, Matthias S. Ikeda, Pierre Massat, Patrick M. Hollister, Linda Ye | Summary: Adiabatic decompression of para-quadrupolar materials has significant potential as a cryogenic cooling technology. We focus on TmVO$_4$, an archetypal material that undergoes a continuous phase transition to a ferroquadrupole-ordered state at […]

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Three-dimensional imaging of embedded interfaces with multislice ptychography

Kavli Affiliate: Alex Zettl | First 5 Authors: Colum M. O’Leary, Jianhua Zhang, Cong Su, Salman Kahn, Huaidong Jiang | Summary: We demonstrate the application of multislice ptychography to a twisted hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) heterointerface from a single-view data set. The propagation from the top flake, through the interface, to the bottom flake is […]

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Three-dimensional imaging of buried interfaces with multislice ptychography

Kavli Affiliate: Alex Zettl | First 5 Authors: Colum M. O’Leary, Jianhua Zhang, Cong Su, Salman Kahn, Huaidong Jiang | Summary: We demonstrate the application of multislice ptychography to a twisted hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) heterointerface from a single-view data set. The propagation from the top flake, through the interface, to the bottom flake is […]

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Three-dimensional imaging of buried heterointerfaces

Kavli Affiliate: Alex Zettl | First 5 Authors: Colum M. O’Leary, Haozhi Sha, Jianhua Zhang, Cong Su, Salman Kahn | Summary: We report three-dimensional (3D) structure determination of a twisted hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) heterointerface from a single-view data set using multislice ptychography. We identify the buried heterointerface between two twisted h-BN flakes with a […]

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