Chirality-induced Phonon-Spin Conversion at an Interface

Kavli Affiliate: Mamoru Matsuo | First 5 Authors: Takumi Funato, Mamoru Matsuo, Takeo Kato, , | Summary: We consider spin injection driven by nonequilibrium chiral phonons from a chiral insulator into an adjacent metal. Phonon-spin conversion arises from the coupling of the electron spin with the microrotation associated with chiral phonons. We derive a microscopic […]

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Chirality-induced Phonon-Spin Conversion at an Interface

Kavli Affiliate: Mamoru Matsuo | First 5 Authors: Takumi Funato, Mamoru Matsuo, Takeo Kato, , | Summary: We consider spin injection driven by nonequilibrium chiral phonons from a chiral insulator into an adjacent metal. Phonon-spin conversion arises from the coupling of the electron spin with the microrotation associated with chiral phonons. We derive a microscopic […]

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Exciton-phonon coupling induces new pathway for ultrafast intralayer-to-interlayer exciton transition and interlayer charge transfer in WS2-MoS2 heterostructure: a first-principles study

Kavli Affiliate: Jeffrey B. Neaton | First 5 Authors: Yang-hao Chan, Mit H. Naik, Jonah B. Haber, Jeffrey B. Neaton, Steven G. Louie | Summary: Despite the weak, van-der-Waals interlayer coupling, photoinduced charge transfer vertically across atomically thin interfaces can occur within surprisingly fast, sub-50fs timescales. Early theoretical understanding of the charge transfer is based […]

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SWEA: Changing Factual Knowledge in Large Language Models via Subject Word Embedding Altering

Kavli Affiliate: Jing Wang | First 5 Authors: Xiaopeng Li, Shasha Li, Bin Ji, Shezheng Song, Xi Wang | Summary: Model editing has recently gained widespread attention. Current model editing methods primarily involve modifying model parameters or adding additional modules to the existing model. However, the former causes irreversible damage to LLMs, while the latter […]

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SWEA: Updating Factual Knowledge in Large Language Models via Subject Word Embedding Altering

Kavli Affiliate: Jing Wang | First 5 Authors: Xiaopeng Li, Shasha Li, Shezheng Song, Huijun Liu, Bin Ji | Summary: The general capabilities of large language models (LLMs) make them the infrastructure for various AI applications, but updating their inner knowledge requires significant resources. Recent model editing is a promising technique for efficiently updating a […]

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SWEA: Updating Factual Knowledge in Large Language Models via Subject Word Embedding Altering

Kavli Affiliate: Jing Wang | First 5 Authors: Xiaopeng Li, Shasha Li, Shezheng Song, Huijun Liu, Bin Ji | Summary: The general capabilities of large language models (LLMs) make them the infrastructure for various AI applications, but updating their inner knowledge requires significant resources. Recent model editing is a promising technique for efficiently updating a […]

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Exploring faint white dwarfs and the luminosity function with Subaru HSC and SDSS in Stripe 82

Kavli Affiliate: Masahiro Takada | First 5 Authors: Tian Qiu, Masahiro Takada, Naoki Yasuda, Akira Tokiwa, Kazumi Kashiyama | Summary: We present 5,080 white dwarf (WD) candidates selected from stars matching between the multi-band imaging datasets of the Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) Survey and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) in the Stripe82 region covering […]

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Flat silicon gradient index lens with 3-layer anti-reflection structures for millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths

Kavli Affiliate: Sunil Golwala | First 5 Authors: Fabien Defrance, Cecile Jung-Kubiak, John Gill, Sofia Rahiminejad, Ted Macioce | Summary: We present the design, fabrication, and test of a 100 mm diameter flat gradient-index (GRIN) lens fabricated with high-resistivity silicon and combined with three-layer anti-reflection (AR) structures optimized for 160 – 355 GHz. The anti-reflection […]

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Flat silicon gradient index lens with deep reactive-ion-etched 3-layer anti-reflection structure for millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths

Kavli Affiliate: Sunil R. Golwala | First 5 Authors: Fabien Defrance, Cecile Jung-Kubiak, John Gill, Sofia Rahiminejad, Theodore Macioce | Summary: We present the design, fabrication, and characterization of a 100 mm diameter, flat, gradient-index (GRIN) lens fabricated with high-resistivity silicon, combined with a three-layer anti-reflection (AR) structure optimized for 160-355 GHz. Multi-depth, deep reactive-ion […]

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