Alternative solvents for life: framework for evaluation, current status and future research

Kavli Affiliate: Sara Seager | First 5 Authors: William Bains, Janusz J. Petkowski, Sara Seager, , | Summary: Life is a complex, dynamic chemical system that requires a dense fluid solvent in which to take place. A common assumption is that the most likely solvent for life is liquid water, and some researchers argue that […]

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Alternative solvents for life: framework for evaluation, current status and future research

Kavli Affiliate: Sara Seager | First 5 Authors: William Bains, Janusz J. Petkowski, Sara Seager, , | Summary: Life is a complex, dynamic chemical system that requires a dense fluid solvent in which to take place. A common assumption is that the most likely solvent for life is liquid water, and some researchers argue that […]

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City Scene Super-Resolution via Geometric Error Minimization

Kavli Affiliate: Feng Wang | First 5 Authors: Zhengyang Lu, Feng Wang, , , | Summary: Super-resolution techniques are crucial in improving image granularity, particularly in complex urban scenes, where preserving geometric structures is vital for data-informed cultural heritage applications. In this paper, we propose a city scene super-resolution method via geometric error minimization. The […]

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Accessing the Host Galaxies of Long Gamma-Ray Bursts with Next-Generation Telescopes

Kavli Affiliate: Zhuo Li | First 5 Authors: Guang-Xuan Lan, Ye Li, Zhuo Li, , | Summary: We present a method to estimate the detection expectations of host galaxies of long gamma-ray bursts (LGRBs) in the {it grizJHKL} bands. It is found that given the same limiting magnitude $m_{grizJHKL,rm lim}$ in each band, the {it […]

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Synthesis of thin film infinite-layer nickelates by atomic hydrogen reduction: clarifying the role of the capping layer

Kavli Affiliate: Darrell G. Schlom | First 5 Authors: Christopher T. Parzyck, Vivek Anil, Yi Wu, Berit H. Goodge, Matthew Roddy | Summary: We present an integrated procedure for the synthesis of infinite-layer nickelates using molecular-beam epitaxy with gas-phase reduction by atomic hydrogen. We first discuss challenges in the growth and characterization of perovskite NdNiO$_3$/SrTiO$_3$, […]

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Tuning dissipation dilution in 2D material resonators by MEMS-induced tension

Kavli Affiliate: P. G. Steeneken | First 5 Authors: M. P. F. Wopereis, N. Bouman, S. Dutta, P. G. Steeneken, F. Alijani | Summary: Resonators based on two-dimensional (2D) materials have exceptional properties for application as nanomechanical sensors, which could allow them to operate at high frequencies with high sensitivity. However, the performance of 2D […]

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Tuning dissipation dilution in 2D material resonators by MEMS-induced tension

Kavli Affiliate: P. G. Steeneken | First 5 Authors: M. P. F. Wopereis, N. Bouman, S. Dutta, P. G. Steeneken, F. Alijani | Summary: Resonators based on two-dimensional (2D) materials have exceptional properties for application as nanomechanical sensors, which allows them to operate at high frequencies with high sensitivity. However, their performance as nanomechanical sensors […]

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Tuning dissipation dilution in 2D material resonators by MEMS-induced tension

Kavli Affiliate: P. G. Steeneken | First 5 Authors: M. P. F. Wopereis, N. Bouman, S. Dutta, P. G. Steeneken, F. Alijani | Summary: Resonators based on two-dimensional (2D) materials have exceptional properties for application as nanomechanical sensors, which allows them to operate at high frequencies with high sensitivity. However, their performance as nanomechanical sensors […]

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Glioma-Induced Alterations in Excitatory Neurons are Reversed by mTOR Inhibition

Kavli Affiliate: Elizabeth Hillman, Mark Ellisman and Darcy Peterka | Authors: Alexander R. Goldberg, Athanassios Dovas, Daniela Torres, Sohani Das Sharma, Angeliki Mela, Edward M. Merricks, Markel Olabarria, Leila Abrishami Shokoohm, Hanzhi T. Zhao, Corina Kotidis, Peter Calvaresi, Ashwin Viswanathan, Matei A. Banu, Aida Razavilar, Tejaswi D. Sudhakar, Ankita Saxena, Cole Chokran, Nelson Humala, Aayushi […]

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Two rest-frame wavelength measurements of galaxy sizes at $z<1$: the evolutionary effects of emerging bulges and quenched newcomers

Kavli Affiliate: John Silverman | First 5 Authors: Angelo George, Ivana Damjanov, Marcin Sawicki, Stéphane Arnouts, Guillaume Desprez | Summary: We analyze the size evolution of $16000$ star-forming galaxies (SFGs) and $5000$ quiescent galaxies (QGs) with mass $M_*>10^{9.5}M_odot$ at $0.1<z<0.9$ from the COSMOS field using deep CLAUDS+HSC imaging in two rest-frame wavelengths, $3000$r{A} (UV light) […]

Continue.. Two rest-frame wavelength measurements of galaxy sizes at $z<1$: the evolutionary effects of emerging bulges and quenched newcomers