The eventful life of a luminous galaxy at z = 14: metal enrichment, feedback, and low gas fraction?

Kavli Affiliate: Roberto Maiolino | First 5 Authors: Stefano Carniani, Francesco D’Eugenio, Xihan Ji, Eleonora Parlanti, Jan Scholtz | Summary: JADES-GS-z14-0 is the most distant spectroscopically confirmed galaxy yet, at $z>14$. With a UV magnitude of -20.81, it is one of the most luminous galaxies at cosmic dawn and its half-light radius of 260 pc […]

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Endosomal hyper-acidification via proton-activated chloride channel deletion in neurons impairs AMPA receptor endocytosis and LTD

Kavli Affiliate: Richard Huganir | Authors: Kevin Chen, Junhua Yang, Bian Liu, Chaohua Jiang, Nicholas Koylass, Zhe Zhang, Shuying Sun, Richard L. Huganir and Zhaozhu Qiu | Summary: Endosomal homeostasis is critical for neuronal function, including the post-synaptic trafficking of α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid receptors (AMPARs). Dynamic AMPAR trafficking is a major component of synaptic plasticity, such […]

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Latent-TGF-β has a domain swapped architecture

Kavli Affiliate: Yifan Cheng | Authors: Mingliang Jin, Robert Seed, Tiffany Shing, Yifan Cheng and Stephen Nishimura | Summary: The multifunctional cytokine TGF-β is produced in a latent form (L-TGF-β) where a RGD containing homodimeric prodomain forms a “ring” encircling mature TGF-β shielding it from its receptors. Thus L-TGF-β must be activated to function, a […]

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Intel(R) SHMEM: GPU-initiated OpenSHMEM using SYCL

Kavli Affiliate: Philip Marshall | First 5 Authors: Alex Brooks, Philip Marshall, David Ozog, Md. Wasi-ur- Rahman, Lawrence Stewart | Summary: Modern high-end systems are increasingly becoming heterogeneous, providing users options to use general purpose Graphics Processing Units (GPU) and other accelerators for additional performance. High Performance Computing (HPC) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications are […]

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Detecting Acoherence in Radiation Fields

Kavli Affiliate: Frank Wilczek | First 5 Authors: Sreenath K. Manikandan, Frank Wilczek, , , | Summary: We propose simple quantitative criteria, based on counting statistics in resonant harmonic detectors, that probe the quantum mechanical character of radiation fields. They provide, in particular, practical means to test the null hypothesis that a given field is […]

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Intermediate-Mass Black Holes in Green Pea Galaxies (IMBH-GP) I: a Candidate Sample from LAMOST and SDSS

Kavli Affiliate: Linhua Jiang | First 5 Authors: Ruqiu Lin, Zhen-Ya Zheng, Fang-Ting Yuan, Jun-Xian Wang, Chunyan Jiang | Summary: The scaling relation of central massive black holes (MBHs) and their host galaxies is well-studied for supermassive BHs (SMBHs, $M_{rm BH} ge 10^6, M_{rm odot}$). However, this relation has large uncertainties in the mass range […]

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Local HI Absorption towards the Magellanic Cloud foreground using ASKAP

Kavli Affiliate: Susan E. Clark | First 5 Authors: Hiep Nguyen, N. M. McClure-Griffiths, James Dempsey, John M. Dickey, Min-Young Lee | Summary: We present the largest Galactic neutral hydrogen HI absorption survey to date, utilizing the Australian SKA Pathfinder Telescope at an unprecedented spatial resolution of 30”. This survey, GASKAP-HI, unbiasedly targets 2,714 continuum […]

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Explanation of high redshift luminous galaxies from JWST by early dark energy model

Kavli Affiliate: Hu Zhan | First 5 Authors: Jun-Qian Jiang, Weiyang Liu, Hu Zhan, Bin Hu, | Summary: Recent observations from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) have uncovered massive galaxies at high redshifts, with their abundance significantly surpassing expectations. This finding poses a substantial challenge to both galaxy formation models and our understanding of […]

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Explanation of high redshift luminous galaxies from JWST by early dark energy model

Kavli Affiliate: Hu Zhan | First 5 Authors: Jun-Qian Jiang, Weiyang Liu, Hu Zhan, Bin Hu, | Summary: Recent observations from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) have uncovered massive galaxies at high redshifts, with their abundance significantly surpassing expectations. This finding poses a substantial challenge to both galaxy formation models and our understanding of […]

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