Two Candidate High-Redshift X-ray Jets Without Coincident Radio Jets

Kavli Affiliate: Herman Marshall | First 5 Authors: Daniel Schwartz, Aneta Siemiginowska, Brad Snios, Diana Worrall, Mark Birkinshaw | Summary: We report the detection of extended X-ray emission from two high-redshift radio quasars. These quasars, J1405+0415 at $z$=3.208 and J1610+1811 at $z$=3.118, were observed in a Chandra snapshot survey selected from a complete sample of […]

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Controlling the anisotropy of a van der Waals antiferromagnet with light

Kavli Affiliate: P. G. Steeneken | First 5 Authors: D. Afanasiev, J. R. Hortensius, M. Matthiesen, S. Mañas-Valero, M. Šiškins | Summary: Magnetic van der Waals materials provide an ideal playground for exploring the fundamentals of low-dimensional magnetism and open new opportunities for ultrathin spin processing devices. The Mermin-Wagner theorem dictates that as in reduced […]

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Metal-Poor Stars Observed with the Southern African Large Telescope

Kavli Affiliate: Anna Frebel | First 5 Authors: Kaitlin C. Rasmussen, Joseph Zepeda, Timothy C. Beers, Vinicius M. Placco, Eric Depagne | Summary: We present the first release of a large-scale study of relatively bright (V < 13.5) metal-poor stars observed with the Southern African Large Telescope (SALT), based on high-resolution spectra of 50 stars […]

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The effects of turbulence on galactic nuclear gas rings

Kavli Affiliate: R. Morris | First 5 Authors: Jesus M. Salas, Smadar Naoz, Mark R. Morris, , | Summary: The gas dynamics in the inner few kiloparsecs of barred galaxies often results in configurations that give rise to nuclear gas rings. However, the generic dynamical description of the formation of galactic nuclear rings does not […]

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Assessing Classifier Fairness with Collider Bias

Kavli Affiliate: Ke Wang | First 5 Authors: Zhenlong Xu, Ziqi Xu, Jixue Liu, Debo Cheng, Jiuyong Li | Summary: The increasing application of machine learning techniques in everyday decision-making processes has brought concerns about the fairness of algorithmic decision-making. This paper concerns the problem of collider bias which produces spurious associations in fairness assessment […]

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The X-ray properties of Eta Carinae during its 2020 X-ray minimum

Kavli Affiliate: David A. Principe | First 5 Authors: Amit Kashi, David A. Principe, Noam Soker, Joel H. Kastner, | Summary: The massive binary system Eta Carinae is characterized by intense colliding winds that form shocks and emit X-rays. The system is highly eccentric ($esimeq0.9$), resulting in modulated X-ray emission during its 5.54 year orbit. […]

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