Ventral pallidum GABA and glutamate neurons drive approach and avoidance through distinct modulation of VTA cell types

Kavli Affiliate: Andrea Hasenstaub | Authors: David A. McCormick, Yousheng Shu and Andrea R Hasenstaub | Summary: The ventral pallidum (VP) contains GABA and glutamate (Glut) neurons projecting to ventral tegmental area (VTA) whose stimulation drives approach and avoidance, respectively. Yet little is known about the cell-type-specific mechanisms by which VP projections to VTA drive […]

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Barley cultivars shape the abundance, phenotype, genotype and gene expression of their associated microbiota by differential root exudate secretion

Kavli Affiliate: V. S. Ramachandran | Authors: Alba Pacheco-Moreno, Anita Bollmann-Giolai, Govind Chandra, Paul Brett, Jack Davies, Owen Thornton, Philip Poole, Vinoy Ramachandran, James Brown, Paul Nicholson, Chris Ridout, Sarah DeVos and Jacob G. Malone | Summary: Plant associated microbes play vital roles in promoting plant growth and health, with plants secreting root exudates into […]

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Mitochondria morphology governs ATP production rate

Kavli Affiliate: Terrence Sejnowski | Authors: Guadalupe C. Garcia, Kavya Gupta, Thomas M. Bartol, Jr., Terrence J. Sejnowski and Padmini Rangamani | Summary: Life is based on energy conversion. In particular, in the nervous system significant amounts of energy are needed to maintain synaptic transmission and homeostasis. To a large extent, neurons depend on oxidative […]

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A unified framework to identify demographic buffering in natural populations

Kavli Affiliate: Gabriel Silva | Authors: Gabriel Silva Santos, Samuel J L Gascoigne, Andre Tavares Correia Dias, Maja Kajin and Rob Salguero-Gomez | Summary: The Demographic Buffering Hypothesis (DBH) predicts that natural selection reduces the temporal fluctuations in demographic processes (such as survival, development, and reproduction), due to their negative impacts on population dynamics. However, […]

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Cognitive rehabilitation can improve brain injury-induced deficits in behavioral flexibility and impulsivity linked to impaired reward-feedback activity.

Kavli Affiliate: Dhakshin Ramanathan | Authors: Miranda Francoeur Koloski, Christopher M O’Hearn, Michelle Frankot, Lauren P Giesler, Dhakshin S Ramanathan and Cole Vonder Haar | Summary: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) affects a large population, resulting in severe cognitive impairments. Although cognitive rehabilitation is an accepted treatment for some deficits, studies in patients are limited in […]

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An engineered biosensor enables dynamic aspartate measurements in living cells

Kavli Affiliate: Timothy Brown | Authors: Kristian Davidsen, Jonathan S Marvin, Abhi Aggarwal, Timothy A Brown and Lucas B Sullivan | Summary: Intracellular levels of the amino acid aspartate are responsive to changes in metabolism in mammalian cells and can correspondingly alter cell function, highlighting the need for robust tools to measure aspartate abundance. However, […]

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Reports of the death of brain-behavior associations have been greatly exaggerated

Kavli Affiliate: Timothy Brown, Anders Dale | Authors: Carolina Makowski, Timothy T Brown, Weiqi Zhao, Donald J Hagler, Pravesh Parekh, Hugh Garavan, Thomas E Nichols, Terry L Jernigan and Anders M Dale | Summary: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been a popular and useful non-invasive method to map patterns of brain structure and function to […]

Continue.. Reports of the death of brain-behavior associations have been greatly exaggerated

Brain-wide measurement of protein turnover with high spatial and temporal resolution

Kavli Affiliate: Timothy Brown | Authors: Boaz Mohar, Jonathan B. Grimm, Ronak Patel, Timothy A. Brown, Paul Tillberg, Luke D. Lavis, Nelson Spruston and Karel Svoboda | Summary: Cellular functions are regulated by synthesizing and degrading proteins on time scales ranging from minutes to weeks. Protein turnover varies across proteins, cellular compartments, cell types, and […]

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Random noise promotes slow heterogeneous synaptic dynamics important for robust working memory computation

Kavli Affiliate: Terrence Sejnowski | Authors: Nuttida Rungratsameetaweemana, Robert Kim, Thiparat Chotibut and Terrence Sejnowski | Summary: Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) based on model neurons that communicate via continuous signals have been widely used to study how cortical neurons perform cognitive tasks. Training such networks to perform tasks that require information maintenance over a brief […]

Continue.. Random noise promotes slow heterogeneous synaptic dynamics important for robust working memory computation

Cross-Modal Representation of Identity in Primate Hippocampus

Kavli Affiliate: Cory Miller | Authors: Timothy Tyree, Michael Metke and Cory Miller | Summary: Faces and voices are the dominant social signals used to recognize individuals amongst human and nonhuman primates (1–4). Yet it is not known how these critical signals are integrated into a cross-modal representation of individual identity in the primate brain. […]

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