Pumping the brakes on RNA velocity – understanding and interpreting RNA velocity estimates

Kavli Affiliate: Loyal Goff | Authors: Shijie C. Zheng, Genevieve Stein-O’Brien, Leandros Boukas, Loyal A Goff and Kasper D Hansen | Summary: RNA velocity analysis of single cells promises to predict temporal dynamics from gene expression. Indeed, in many systems, it has been observed that RNA velocity produces a vector field that qualitatively reflects known […]

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Amygdalar and ERC Rostral Atrophy and Tau Pathology Reconstruction in Preclinical Alzheimer’s Disease

Kavli Affiliate: Menno Witter, Susumu Mori, Michael Miller | Authors: Kaitlin Stouffer, Claire Chen, Sue Kulason, Eileen Xu, Menno Witter, Can Ceritoglu, Marilyn Albert, Susumu Mori, Juan Troncoso, Daniel Jacob Tward and Michael I Miller | Summary: Previous research has emphasized the unique impact of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) pathology on the medial temporal lobe (MTL), […]

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Pumping the brakes on RNA velocity — understanding and interpreting RNA velocity estimates

Kavli Affiliate: Loyal Goff | Authors: Shijie C. Zheng, Genevieve Stein-O’Brien, Leandros Boukas, Loyal A Goff and Kasper D Hansen | Summary: RNA velocity analysis of single cells promises to predict temporal dynamics from gene expression. Indeed, in many systems, it has been observed that RNA velocity produces a vector field which qualitatively reflects known […]

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Sex-specific age-related changes in excitatory and inhibitory intra-cortical circuits in mouse primary auditory cortex

Kavli Affiliate: Patrick Kanold | Authors: Binghan Xue, Joseph P-Y Kao and Patrick O Kanold | Summary: A common impairment in aging is age-related hearing loss (presbycusis), which manifests as impaired spectrotemporal processing. Aging is accompanied by alteration in normal inhibitory (GABA) neurotransmission and changes in excitatory (NMDA and AMPA) synapses in the auditory cortex […]

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Closed-loop control and recalibration of place cells by optic flow

Kavli Affiliate: James Knierim | Authors: Manu S Madhav, Ravikrishnan P Jayakumar, Brian Y Li, Francesco Savelli, James J Knierim and Noah J Cowan | Summary: Understanding the interplay between sensory input, endogenous neural dynamics, and behavioral output is key toward understanding the principles of neural computation. Hippocampal place cells are an ideal system to […]

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Serine Racemase mediates Subventricular Zone Neurogenesis via Fatty acid Metabolism.

Kavli Affiliate: Solomon Snyder | Authors: Robin Roychaudhuri, Hasti Atashi and Solomon Snyder | Summary: The adult subventricular zone is one of the two neurogenic niches that continuously produce newborn neurons. Here we show that serine racemase (SR), an enzyme that catalyzes the racemization of L-serine to D-serine and vice versa, affects neurogenesis in the […]

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Leveraging place field repetition to understand positional versus nonpositional inputs to hippocampal field CA1

Kavli Affiliate: James Knierim | Authors: William Hockeimer, Ruo-Yah Lai, Maanasa Natrajan, William Snider and James J. Knierim | Summary: The hippocampus is believed to encode episodic memory by binding information about the content of experience within a spatial framework encoding the location of that experience. Previous work implies a distinction between positional inputs to […]

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Physical resilience in the brain: The effect of white matter disease on brain networks in cognitively normal older adults

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Miller | Authors: Blake R Neyland, Samuel N Lockhart, Robert G Lyday, Laura D Baker, Elizabeth P Handing, Michael E Miller, Stephen B Kritchevsky, Paul J Laurienti and Christina E Hugenschmidt | Summary: BACKGROUND: Physical resilience with age is considered a key feature of healthy aging, but current understanding of the neural […]

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Bisected graph matching improves automated pairing of bilaterally homologous neurons from connectomes

Kavli Affiliate: Carey Priebe, Joshua Vogelstein | Authors: Benjamin D Pedigo, Michael Winding, Carey E Priebe and Joshua T Vogelstein | Summary: Graph matching algorithms attempt to find the best correspondence between the nodes of two networks. These techniques have previously been used to match individual neurons in nanoscale connectomes – in particular, to find […]

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Guided construction of single cell reference for human and mouse lung

Kavli Affiliate: Jin Kang | Authors: Minzhe Guo, Michael P. Morley, Yixin Wu, Yina Du, Shuyang Zhao, Andrew Wagner, Michal Kouril, Kang Jin, Nathan Gaddis, Joseph A. Kitzmiller, Kathleen Stewart, Maria C. Basil, Susan M. Lin, Yun Ying, Apoorva Babu, Kathryn A. Wikenheiser-Brokamp, Kyu Shik Mun, Anjaparavanda P. Naren, Sara Lin, Geremy Clair, Joshua N. […]

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