Defect Landscape Engineering to Tune Skyrmion-Antiskyrmion Systems in FeGe

Kavli Affiliate: David A. Muller | First 5 Authors: Jiangteng Liu, Ryan Schoell, Xiyue S. Zhang, Hongbin Yang, M. B. Venuti | Summary: A promising architecture for next-generation, low energy spintronic devices uses skyrmions — nanoscale whirlpools of magnetic moment — as information carriers. Notably, schemes for racetrack memory have been proposed in which skyrmions […]

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Structural Properties and Recrystallization Effects in Ion Beam Modified B20-type FeGe Films

Kavli Affiliate: David A. Muller | First 5 Authors: Jiangteng Liu, Ryan Schoell, Xiyue S. Zhang, Hongbin Yang, M. B. Venuti | Summary: Disordered iron germanium (FeGe) has recently garnered interest as a testbed for a variety of magnetic phenomena as well as for use in magnetic memory and logic applications. This is partially owing […]

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NEW-MUSIC: The Next-generation Extended-Wavelength Multiband Sub/millimeter Inductance Camera

Kavli Affiliate: Sunil R. Golwala | First 5 Authors: Sunil R. Golwala, Andrew D. Beyer, Daniel Cunnane, Peter K. Day, Fabien Defrance | Summary: The Next-generation Extended Wavelength-MUltiband Sub/millimeter Inductance Camera (NEW-MUSIC) on the Leighton Chajnantor Telescope (LCT) will be a first-of-its-kind, six-band, transmillimeter-wave ("trans-mm") polarimeter covering 2.4 octaves of spectral bandwidth to open a […]

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NEW-MUSIC: The Next-generation Extended-Wavelength Multiband Sub/millimeter Inductance Camera

Kavli Affiliate: Sunil R. Golwala | First 5 Authors: Sunil R. Golwala, Andrew D. Beyer, Daniel Cunnane, Peter K. Day, Fabien Defrance | Summary: The Next-generation Extended Wavelength-MUltiband Sub/millimeter Inductance Camera (NEW-MUSIC) on the Leighton Chajnantor Telescope (LCT) will be a first-of-its-kind, six-band, transmillimeter-wave ("trans-mm") polarimeter covering 2.4 octaves of spectral bandwidth to open a […]

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A Low-Temperature Tunable Microcavity featuring High Passive Stability and Microwave Integration

Kavli Affiliate: Ronald Hanson | First 5 Authors: Yanik Herrmann, Julius Fischer, Stijn Scheijen, Cornelis F. J. Wolfs, Julia M. Brevoord | Summary: Open microcavities offer great potential for the exploration and utilization of efficient spin-photon interfaces with Purcell-enhanced quantum emitters thanks to their large spectral and spatial tunability combined with high versatility of sample […]

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A Low-Temperature Tunable Microcavity featuring High Passive Stability and Microwave Integration

Kavli Affiliate: Ronald Hanson | First 5 Authors: Yanik Herrmann, Julius Fischer, Stijn Scheijen, Cornelis F. J. Wolfs, Julia M. Brevoord | Summary: Open microcavities offer great potential for the exploration and utilization of efficient spin-photon interfaces with Purcell-enhanced quantum emitters thanks to their large spectral and spatial tunability combined with high versatility of sample […]

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Accretion of the earliest inner solar system planetesimals beyond the water-snowline

Kavli Affiliate: Paul D. Asimow | First 5 Authors: Damanveer S. Grewal, Nicole X. Nie, Bidong Zhang, Andre Izidoro, Paul D. Asimow | Summary: How and where the first generation of inner solar system planetesimals formed remains poorly understood. Potential formation regions are the silicate condensation line and water-snowline of the solar protoplanetary disk. Whether […]

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Status of Nano-ARPES endstation at BL07U of Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility

Kavli Affiliate: Feng Wang | First 5 Authors: Han Gao, Hanbo Xiao, Feng Wang, Fangyuan Zhu, Meixiao Wang | Summary: In this article, we introduce the current status of the new NanoARPES endstation at BL07U of Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility (SSRF), which facilitates the study of the electronic band structure of material systems with limited […]

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Towards a Unified Benchmark and Framework for Deep Learning-Based Prediction of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Chemical Shifts

Kavli Affiliate: Feng Wang | First 5 Authors: Fanjie Xu, Wentao Guo, Feng Wang, Lin Yao, Hongshuai Wang | Summary: The study of structure-spectrum relationships is essential for spectral interpretation, impacting structural elucidation and material design. Predicting spectra from molecular structures is challenging due to their complex relationships. Herein, we introduce NMRNet, a deep learning […]

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Adsorption of Guanidinium Cations to the Air-Water Interface

Kavli Affiliate: David T. Limmer | First 5 Authors: Franky Bernal, Amro Dodin, Constantine Kyprianou, David T. Limmer, Richard J. Saykally | Summary: Combining Deep-UV second harmonic generation spectroscopy with molecular simulations, we confirm and quantify the specific adsorption of guanidinium cations to the air-water interface. Using a Langmuir analysis and measurements at multiple concentrations, […]

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