Observation of spin polarons in a frustrated moiré Hubbard system

Kavli Affiliate: Jie Shan | First 5 Authors: Zui Tao, Wenjin Zhao, Bowen Shen, Patrick Knüppel, Kenji Watanabe | Summary: The electron’s kinetic energy plays a pivotal role in magnetism. While virtual electron hopping promotes antiferromagnetism in an insulator, the real process usually favors ferromagnetism. But in kinetically frustrated systems, such as hole doped triangular […]

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Complex magnetic and spatial symmetry breaking from correlations in kagome flat bands

Kavli Affiliate: Joel E. Moore | First 5 Authors: Yu-Ping Lin, Chunxiao Liu, Joel E. Moore, , | Summary: We present the mean-field phase diagram of electrons in a kagome flat band with repulsive interactions. In addition to flat-band ferromagnetism, the Hartree-Fock analysis yields cascades of unconventional magnetic orders driven by onsite repulsion as filling […]

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Complex magnetic and spatial symmetry breaking from correlations in kagome flat bands

Kavli Affiliate: Joel E. Moore | First 5 Authors: Yu-Ping Lin, Chunxiao Liu, Joel E. Moore, , | Summary: We present the mean-field phase diagram of electrons in a kagome flat band with repulsive interactions. In addition to flat-band ferromagnetism, the Hartree-Fock analysis yields cascades of unconventional magnetic orders driven by onsite repulsion as filling […]

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Sagnac interferometry for high-sensitivity optical measurements of spin-orbit torque

Kavli Affiliate: Daniel C. Ralph | First 5 Authors: Saba Karimeddiny, Thow Min Jerald Cham, Orion Smedley, Daniel C. Ralph, Yunqiu Kelly Luo | Summary: Sagnac interferometry can provide a significant improvement in signal-to-noise ratio compared to conventional magnetic imaging based on the magneto-optical Kerr effect (MOKE). We show that this improvement is sufficient to […]

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Roles of intrinsically disordered regions in transcription factor search

Kavli Affiliate: Ariel Amir | First 5 Authors: Wencheng Ji, Ori Hachmo, Naama Barkai, Ariel Amir, | Summary: Transcription Factors (TFs) are proteins that regulate gene expression. The regulation mechanism is via the binding of a TF to a specific part of the gene associated with it, the TF’s target. For the regulation to be […]

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Design principles of transcription factors with intrinsically disordered regions

Kavli Affiliate: Ariel Amir | First 5 Authors: Wencheng Ji, Ori Hachmo, Naama Barkai, Ariel Amir, | Summary: Transcription Factors (TFs) are proteins crucial for regulating gene expression. Effective regulation requires the TFs to rapidly bind to the correct target, enabling the cell to respond timely to various stimuli such as nutrient availability or toxin […]

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Highly-Multimode Solitons in Step-Index Optical Fiber

Kavli Affiliate: Frank W. Wise | First 5 Authors: Yuhang Wu, Nicholas Bender, Demetrios N. Christodoulides, Frank W. Wise, | Summary: We report the generation of multimode solitons in step-index fiber. The solitons are superpositions of 5-10 temporally-aligned transverse modes, they exhibit speckled beam profiles, and the spatio-spectral variation across the soliton can be complex. […]

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Recent Advances in Metasurface Design and Quantum Optics Applications with Machine Learning, Physics-Informed Neural Networks, and Topology Optimization Methods

Kavli Affiliate: Simon Groblacher | First 5 Authors: Wenye Ji, Jin Chang2, He-Xiu Xu, Jian Rong Gao, Simon Gröblacher | Summary: As a two-dimensional planar material with low depth profile, a metasurface can generate non-classical phase distributions for the transmitted and reflected electromagnetic waves at its interface. Thus, it offers more flexibility to control the […]

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Photonic chip-based low noise microwave oscillator

Kavli Affiliate: Kerry Vahala | First 5 Authors: Igor Kudelin, William Groman, Qing-Xin Ji, Joel Guo, Megan L. Kelleher | Summary: Numerous modern technologies are reliant on the low-phase noise and exquisite timing stability of microwave signals. Substantial progress has been made in the field of microwave photonics, whereby low noise microwave signals are generated […]

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Demonstrating a long-coherence dual-rail erasure qubit using tunable transmons

Kavli Affiliate: Oskar Painter | First 5 Authors: Harry Levine, Arbel Haim, Jimmy S. C. Hung, Nasser Alidoust, Mahmoud Kalaee | Summary: Quantum error correction with erasure qubits promises significant advantages over standard error correction due to favorable thresholds for erasure errors. To realize this advantage in practice requires a qubit for which nearly all […]

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