Telecom-band quantum interference of frequency-converted photons from remote detuned NV centers

Kavli Affiliate: Ronald Hanson | First 5 Authors: Arian Stolk, Kian L. van der Enden, Marie-Christine Roehsner, Annick Teepe, Stein O. J. Faes | Summary: Entanglement distribution over quantum networks has the promise of realizing fundamentally new technologies. Entanglement between separated quantum processing nodes has been achieved on several experimental platforms in the past decade. […]

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Designing Berry curvature dipoles and the quantum nonlinear Hall effect at oxide interfaces

Kavli Affiliate: Gary A. Steele | First 5 Authors: Edouard Lesne, Yildiz G. Saǧlam, Raffaele Battilomo, Thierry C. van Thiel, Ulderico Filippozzi | Summary: Quantum materials can display physical phenomena rooted in the geometric properties of their electronic wavefunctions, and governed by an emergent magnetic field known as Berry curvature. In materials with acentric crystalline […]

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Designing spin and orbital sources of Berry curvature at oxide interfaces

Kavli Affiliate: Gary A. Steele | First 5 Authors: Edouard Lesne, Yildiz G. Saǧlam, Raffaele Battilomo, Maria Teresa Mercaldo, Thierry C. van Thiel | Summary: Quantum materials can display physical phenomena rooted in the geometry of electronic wavefunctions. The corresponding geometric tensor is characterized by an emergent field known as Berry curvature (BC). Large BCs […]

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Evolved interactions stabilize many coexisting phases in multicomponent liquids

Kavli Affiliate: Liedewij Laan | First 5 Authors: David Zwicker, Liedewij Laan, , , | Summary: Phase separation has emerged as an essential concept for the spatial organization inside biological cells. However, despite the clear relevance to virtually all physiological functions, we understand surprisingly little about what phases form in a system of many interacting […]

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Evolved interactions stabilize many coexisting phases in multicomponent liquids

Kavli Affiliate: Liedewij Laan | First 5 Authors: David Zwicker, Liedewij Laan, , , | Summary: Phase separation has emerged as an essential concept for the spatial organization inside biological cells. However, despite the clear relevance to virtually all physiological functions, we understand surprisingly little about what phases form in a system of many interacting […]

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Deployed MDI-QKD and Bell-State Measurements Coexisting with Standard Internet Data and Networking Equipment

Kavli Affiliate: Wolfgang Tittel | First 5 Authors: Remon C. Berrevoets, Thomas Middelburg, Raymond F. L. Vermeulen, Luca Della Chiesa, Federico Broggi | Summary: The forthcoming quantum Internet is poised to allow new applications not possible with the conventional Internet. The ability for both quantum and conventional networking equipment to coexist on the same fiber […]

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Atomic fluctuations lifting the energy degeneracy in Si/SiGe quantum dots

Kavli Affiliate: Giordano Scappucci | First 5 Authors: Brian Paquelet Wuetz, Merritt P. Losert, Sebastian Koelling, Lucas E. A. Stehouwer, Anne-Marije J. Zwerver | Summary: Electron spins in Si/SiGe quantum wells suffer from nearly degenerate conduction band valleys, which compete with the spin degree of freedom in the formation of qubits. Despite attempts to enhance […]

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Optomechanics for quantum technologies

Kavli Affiliate: Simon Groblacher | First 5 Authors: Shabir Barzanjeh, André Xuereb, Simon Gröblacher, Mauro Paternostro, Cindy A Regal | Summary: The ability to control the motion of mechanical systems through its interaction with light has opened the door to a plethora of applications in fundamental and applied physics. With experiments routinely reaching the quantum […]

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Spectrally Multiplexed Hong-Ou-Mandel Interference

Kavli Affiliate: Wolfgang Tittel | First 5 Authors: Oriol Pietx-Casas, Gustavo Castro do Amaral, Tanmoy Chakraborty, Remon Berrevoets, Thomas Middelburg | Summary: We explore the suitability of a Virtually-Imaged Phased Array (VIPA) as a Spectral-to-Spatial Mode-Mapper (SSMM) for applications in quantum communication such as a quantum repeater. To this end we demonstrate spectrally-resolved two-photon "Hong-Ou-Mandel" […]

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An Architecture for Meeting Quality-of-Service Requirements in Multi-User Quantum Networks

Kavli Affiliate: Stephanie Wehner | First 5 Authors: Matthew Skrzypczyk, Stephanie Wehner, , , | Summary: Quantum communication can enhance internet technology by enabling novel applications that are provably impossible classically. The successful execution of such applications relies on the generation of quantum entanglement between different users of the network which meets stringent performance requirements. […]

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