Microwave-optics Entanglement via Cavity Optomagnomechanics

Kavli Affiliate: Simon Groblacher

| First 5 Authors: Zhi-Yuan Fan, Liu Qiu, Simon Gröblacher, Jie Li,

| Summary:

Microwave-optics entanglement is a vital component for building hybrid
quantum networks. Here we show how to prepare stationary entanglement between
microwave and optical cavity fields in a cavity optomagnomechanical system. It
consists of a magnon mode in a ferrimagnetic crystal that couples directly to a
microwave cavity mode via the magnetic dipole interaction, and indirectly to an
optical cavity through the deformation displacement of the crystal. The
mechanical displacement is induced by the magnetostrictive force and coupled to
the optical cavity via radiation pressure. Both the opto- and magnomechanical
couplings are dispersive. Magnon-phonon entanglement is created via
magnomechanical parametric down-conversion, which is further distributed to
optical and microwave photons via simultaneous optomechanical beamsplitter
interaction and electromagnonic state-swap interaction, yielding stationary
microwave-optics entanglement. The microwave-optics entanglement is robust
against thermal noise, which will find broad potential applications in quantum
networks and quantum information processing with hybrid quantum systems.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Simon Groblacher”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=10

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