Optimality in superselective surface binding by multivalent DNA nanostars

Kavli Affiliate: Liedewij Laan | First 5 Authors: Christine Linne, Eva Heemskerk, Jos Zwanikken, Daniela J. Kraft, Liedewij Laan | Summary: Weak multivalent interactions govern a large variety of biological processes like cell-cell adhesion and virus-host interactions. These systems distinguish sharply between surfaces based on receptor density, known as superselectivity. Earlier experimental and theoretical work […]

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Effects of local incompressibility on the rheology of composite biopolymer networks

Kavli Affiliate: Gijsje H. Koenderink | First 5 Authors: Anupama Gannavarapu, Sadjad Arzash, Iain Muntz, Jordan L. Shivers, Anna-Maria Klianeva | Summary: Fibrous networks such as collagen are common in biological systems. Recent theoretical and experimental efforts have shed light on the mechanics of single component networks. Most real biopolymer networks, however, are composites made […]

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Supercurrent mediated by helical edge modes in bilayer graphene

Kavli Affiliate: Srijit Goswami | First 5 Authors: Prasanna Rout, Nikos Papadopoulos, Fernando Peñaranda, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi | Summary: Bilayer graphene encapsulated in tungsten diselenide can host a weak topological phase with pairs of helical edge states. The electrical tunability of this phase makes it an ideal platform to investigate unique topological effects at […]

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Supercurrent mediated by helical edge modes in bilayer graphene

Kavli Affiliate: Srijit Goswami | First 5 Authors: Prasanna Rout, Nikos Papadopoulos, Fernando Peñaranda, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi | Summary: Bilayer graphene encapsulated in tungsten diselenide can host a weak topological phase with pairs of helical edge states. The electrical tunability of this phase makes it an ideal platform to investigate unique topological effects at […]

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Asymmetric node placement in fiber-based quantum networks

Kavli Affiliate: Stephanie Wehner | First 5 Authors: Guus Avis, Robert Knegjens, Anders S. Sørensen, Stephanie Wehner, | Summary: Restrictions imposed by existing infrastructure can make it hard to ensure an even spacing between the nodes of future fiber-based quantum networks. We here investigate the negative effects of asymmetric node placement by considering separately the […]

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Asymmetric node placement in fiber-based quantum networks

Kavli Affiliate: Stephanie Wehner | First 5 Authors: Guus Avis, Robert Knegjens, Anders S. Sørensen, Stephanie Wehner, | Summary: Restrictions imposed by existing infrastructure can make it hard to ensure an even spacing between the nodes of future fiber-based quantum networks. We here investigate the negative effects of asymmetric node placement by considering separately the […]

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Germanium wafers for strained quantum wells with low disorder

Kavli Affiliate: Menno Veldhorst | First 5 Authors: Lucas E. A. Stehouwer, Alberto Tosato, Davide Degli Esposti, Davide Costa, Menno Veldhorst | Summary: We grow strained Ge/SiGe heterostructures by reduced-pressure chemical vapor deposition on 100 mm Ge wafers. The use of Ge wafers as substrates for epitaxy enables high-quality Ge-rich SiGe strain-relaxed buffers with a […]

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Emergent U(1) symmetry in non-particle-conserving one-dimensional models

Kavli Affiliate: Natalia Chepiga | First 5 Authors: Zakaria Jouini, Natalia Chepiga, Loic Herviou, Frédéric Mila, | Summary: The properties of stable Luttinger liquid phases in models with a non-conserved number of particles are investigated. We study the Luttinger liquid phases in one-dimensional models of hard-core boson and spinless fermion chains where particles can be […]

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Enhanced sensitivity and tunability of thermomechanical resonance near the buckling bifurcation

Kavli Affiliate: Herre S. J. Van Der Zant | First 5 Authors: Hanqing Liu, Gabriele Baglioni, Carla B. Constant, Herre S. J. van der Zant, Peter G. Steeneken | Summary: The high susceptibility of ultrathin two-dimensional (2D) material resonators to force and temperature makes them ideal systems for sensing applications and exploring thermomechanical coupling. Although […]

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Frequency tunable, cavity-enhanced single erbium quantum emitter in the telecom band

Kavli Affiliate: Wolfgang Tittel | First 5 Authors: Yong Yu, Dorian Oser, Gaia Da Prato, Emanuele Urbinati, Javier Carrasco Ávila | Summary: Single quantum emitters embedded in solid-state hosts are an ideal platform for realizing quantum information processors and quantum network nodes. Among the currently-investigated candidates, Er$^{3+}$ ions are particularly appealing due to their 1.5 […]

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