Symmetry-based phenomenological model for magnon transport in a multiferroic

Kavli Affiliate: Darrell Schlom | First 5 Authors: Isaac A. Harris, Sajid Husain, Peter Meisenheimer, Maya Ramesh, Hyeon Woo Park | Summary: Magnons carriers of spin information can be controlled by electric fields in the multiferroic BiFeO$_3$ (BFO), a milestone that brings magnons closer to application in future devices. The origin of magnon-spin currents in […]

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2D Theoretically Twistable Material Database

Kavli Affiliate: Jie Shan | First 5 Authors: Yi Jiang, Urko Petralanda, Grigorii Skorupskii, Qiaoling Xu, Hanqi Pi | Summary: The study of twisted two-dimensional (2D) materials, where twisting layers create moir’e superlattices, has opened new opportunities for investigating topological phases and strongly correlated physics. While systems such as twisted bilayer graphene (TBG) and twisted […]

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Morphogenesis of Spin Cycloids in a Non-collinear Antiferromagnet

Kavli Affiliate: Darrell G. Schlom | First 5 Authors: Shashank Kumar Ojha, Pratap Pal, Sergei Prokhorenko, Sajid Husain, Maya Ramesh | Summary: Pattern formation in spin systems with continuous-rotational symmetry (CRS) provides a powerful platform to study emergent complex magnetic phases and topological defects in condensed-matter physics. However, its understanding and correlation with unconventional magnetic […]

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A simple accurate way to model noise-seeded ultrafast nonlinear processes

Kavli Affiliate: Frank Wise | First 5 Authors: Yi-Hao Chen, Frank Wise, , , | Summary: Noise can play an important role in nonlinear pulse propagation. It is not only the origin of fluctuations in supercontinuum but can also determine the generated signal amplitude and phase, as seen in phenomena such as noise-seeded four-wave mixing […]

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A simple accurate way to model noise-seeded ultrafast nonlinear processes

Kavli Affiliate: Frank Wise | First 5 Authors: Yi-Hao Chen, Frank Wise, , , | Summary: Noise can play an important role in nonlinear pulse propagation. It is not only the origin of fluctuations in supercontinuum but can also determine the generated signal amplitude and phase, as seen in phenomena such as noise-seeded four-wave mixing […]

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Atomistic understanding of hydrogen coverage on RuO2(110) surface under electrochemical conditions from ab initio statistical thermodynamics

Kavli Affiliate: Darrell G. Schlom | First 5 Authors: Lei Zhang, Jan Kloppenburg, Chia-Yi Lin, Luka Mitrovic, Simon Gelin | Summary: Understanding the dehydrogenation of transition metal oxide surfaces under electrochemical potential is critical to the control of important chemical processes such as the oxygen evolution reaction (OER). Using first principles computations, we model the […]

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Atomistic understanding of hydrogen coverage on RuO2(110) surface under electrochemical conditions from ab initio statistical thermodynamics

Kavli Affiliate: Jin Suntivich | First 5 Authors: Lei Zhang, Jan Kloppenburg, Chia-Yi Lin, Luka Mitrovic, Simon Gelin | Summary: Understanding the dehydrogenation of transition metal oxide surfaces under electrochemical potential is critical to the control of important chemical processes such as the oxygen evolution reaction (OER). Using first principles computations, we model the thermodynamic […]

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Is the low-energy optical absorption in correlated insulators controlled by quantum geometry?

Kavli Affiliate: Debanjan Chowdhury | First 5 Authors: Dan Mao, Juan Felipe Mendez-Valderrama, Debanjan Chowdhury, , | Summary: Inspired by the discovery of a variety of correlated insulators in the moir’e universe, controlled by interactions projected to a set of isolated bands with a narrow bandwidth, we examine here a partial sum-rule associated with the […]

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NT-LLM: A Novel Node Tokenizer for Integrating Graph Structure into Large Language Models

Kavli Affiliate: Dan Luo | First 5 Authors: Yanbiao Ji, Chang Liu, Xin Chen, Yue Ding, Dan Luo | Summary: Graphs are a fundamental data structure for representing relationships in real-world scenarios. With the success of Large Language Models (LLMs) across various natural language processing (NLP) tasks, there has been growing interest in integrating LLMs […]

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