Real-time 3D analysis during electron tomography using tomviz

Kavli Affiliate: David Muller | First 5 Authors: Jonathan Schwartz, Chris Harris, Jacob Pietryga, Huihuo Zheng Prashant Kumar, Anastasia Visheratina | Summary: The demand for high-throughput electron tomography is rapidly increasing in biological and material sciences. However, this 3D imaging technique is computationally bottlenecked by alignment and reconstruction which runs from hours to days. We […]

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Multimode Nonlinear Dynamics in Anomalous Dispersion Spatiotemporal Mode-locked Lasers

Kavli Affiliate: Frank W. Wise | First 5 Authors: Yuhang Wu, Demetrios N. Christodoulides, Frank W. Wise, , | Summary: Spatiotemporal mode-locking in a laser with anomalous dispersion is investigated. Mode-locked states with varying modal content can be observed, but we find it difficult to observe highly multimode states. We describe the properties of these […]

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High quantum efficiency parametric amplification via hybridized nonlinear optics

Kavli Affiliate: Jeffrey Moses | First 5 Authors: Noah Flemens, Dylan Heberle, Jiaoyang Zheng, Devin J. Dean, Connor Davis | Summary: Parametric amplifiers have allowed breakthroughs in ultrafast, strong-field, and high-energy density laser science and are an essential tool for extending the frequency range of powerful emerging diode-pumped solid-state laser technology. However, their impact is […]

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Realization of the Haldane Chern insulator in a moiré lattice

Kavli Affiliate: Jie Shan | First 5 Authors: Wenjin Zhao, Kaifei Kang, Lizhong Li, Charles Tschirhart, Evgeny Redekop | Summary: The Chern insulator displays a quantized Hall effect without Landau levels. In a landmark paper in 1988, Haldane showed that a Chern insulator could be realized through complex next-nearest-neighbor hopping in a honeycomb lattice. Despite […]

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Temperature Dependence of the Emission Spectrum of GaN Defect Single-Photon Emitters

Kavli Affiliate: Farhan Rana | First 5 Authors: Yifei Geng, Jialun Luo, Len van Deurzen, Huili, Xing | Summary: Single-photon emitters (SPEs) in technologically mature wide bandgap semiconductors are attractive for realizing integrated platforms for quantum applications. We investigate single-photon emitters in GaN. GaN hosts bright and stable single-photon emitters in the 600 nm to […]

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Anisotropic Gigahertz Antiferromagnetic Resonances of the Easy-Axis van der Waals Antiferromagnet CrSBr

Kavli Affiliate: Daniel C. Ralph | First 5 Authors: Thow Min Cham, Saba Karimeddiny, Avalon H. Dismukes, Xavier Roy, Daniel C. Ralph | Summary: We report measurements of gigahertz-frequency antiferromagnetic resonances that are anisotropic as a function of the direction of applied magnetic field relative to the crystal axes in the van der Waals easy-axis […]

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Anisotropic Gigahertz Antiferromagnetic Resonances of the Easy-Axis van der Waals Antiferromagnet CrSBr

Kavli Affiliate: Daniel C. Ralph | First 5 Authors: Thow Min Jerald Cham, Saba Karimeddiny, Avalon H. Dismukes, Xavier Roy, Daniel C. Ralph | Summary: We report measurements of antiferromagnetic resonances in the van der Waals easy-axis antiferromagnet CrSBr. The interlayer exchange field and magnetocrystalline anisotropy fields are comparable to laboratory magnetic fields, allowing a […]

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Viscosity Metamaterials

Kavli Affiliate: Itai Cohen | First 5 Authors: Prateek Sehgal, Meera Ramaswamy, Edward Y. X. Ong, Christopher Ness, Itai Cohen | Summary: Metamaterials are composite structures whose properties arise from a mesoscale organization of their constituents. Provided this organization occurs on scales smaller than the characteristic lengths associated with their response, it is often possible […]

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Synthesis and electronic properties of Nd$_{n+1}$Ni$_{n}$O$_{3n+1}$ Ruddlesden-Popper nickelate thin films

Kavli Affiliate: Lena F. Kourkoutis | First 5 Authors: Grace A. Pan, Qi Song, Dan Ferenc Segedin, Myung-Chul Jung, Hesham El-Sherif | Summary: The rare-earth nickelates possess a diverse set of collective phenomena including metal-to-insulator transitions, magnetic phase transitions, and, upon chemical reduction, superconductivity. Here, we demonstrate epitaxial stabilization of layered nickelates in the Ruddlesden-Popper […]

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