A minimal model of solitons in nematic liquid crystals

Kavli Affiliate: Nicholas L. Abbott | First 5 Authors: Noe Atzin, Ali Mozaffari, Xingzhou Tang, Soumik Das, Nicholas L. Abbott | Summary: Solitons in liquid crystals have generated considerable interest. Several hypotheses of varying complexity have been advanced to explain how they emerge, and a consensus has not emerged yet about the underlying forces responsible […]

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Periodic Artifact Reduction in Fourier transforms of Full Field Atomic Resolution Images

Kavli Affiliate: Lena F. Kourkoutis | First 5 Authors: Robert Hovden, Yi Jiang, Huolin L. Xin, Lena F. Kourkoutis, | Summary: The discrete Fourier transform is among the most routine tools used in high-resolution scanning / transmission electron microscopy (S/TEM). However, when calculating a Fourier transform, periodic boundary conditions are imposed and sharp discontinuities between […]

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Current-induced switching of thin film $α$-Fe$_2$O$_3$ devices imaged using a scanning single-spin microscope

Kavli Affiliate: Katja C. Nowack | First 5 Authors: Qiaochu Guo, Anthony D’Addario, Yang Cheng, Jeremy Kline, Isaiah Gray | Summary: Electrical switching of N’eel order in an antiferromagnetic insulator is desirable as a basis for memory applications. Unlike electrically-driven switching of ferromagnetic order via spin-orbit torques, electrical switching of antiferromagnetic order remains poorly understood. […]

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Liquid Crystals as Multifunctional Interfaces for Trapping and Characterizing Microplastics

Kavli Affiliate: Nicholas L. Abbott | First 5 Authors: Fiona Mukherjee, Anye Shi, Xin Wang, Fengqi You, Nicholas L. Abbott | Summary: Identifying and removing microplastics (MPs) from the environment is a global challenge. This study explores how the colloidal fraction of common MPs behave at aqueous interfaces of liquid crystal (LC) films. We observed […]

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Liquid Crystals as Multifunctional Interfaces for Trapping and Characterizing Microplastics

Kavli Affiliate: Nicholas L. Abbott | First 5 Authors: Fiona Mukherjee, Anye Shi, Xin Wang, Fengqi You, Nicholas L. Abbott | Summary: Identifying and removing microplastics (MPs) from the environment is a global challenge. This study explores how the colloidal fraction of common MPs behave at aqueous interfaces of liquid crystal (LC) films. We observed […]

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Superfluid response of an atomically thin, gate-tuned van der Waals superconductor

Kavli Affiliate: Katja C. Nowack | First 5 Authors: Alexander Jarjour, G. M. Ferguson, Brian T. Schaefer, Menyoung Lee, Yen Lee Loh | Summary: A growing number of two-dimensional superconductors are being discovered in the family of layered van der Waals (vdW) materials. Due to small sample volume, their characterization has been largely limited to […]

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Ronchigram Simulation and Training through Ronchigram.com

Kavli Affiliate: Lena F. Kourkoutis | First 5 Authors: Suk Hyun Sung, Noah Schnitzer, William Millsaps, Lena F. Kourkoutis, Robert Hovden | Summary: This article introduces a training simulator for electron beam alignment using Ronchigrams. The interactive web application, www.ronchigram.com, is an advanced educational tool aimed at making scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) more accessible […]

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Dynamics of photo-induced ferromagnetism in oxides with orbital degeneracy

Kavli Affiliate: Ankit Disa | First 5 Authors: Jonathan B. Curtis, Ankit Disa, Michael Fechner, Andrea Cavalleri, Prineha Narang | Summary: By using intense coherent electromagnetic radiation, it may be possible to manipulate the properties of quantum materials very quickly, or even induce new and potentially useful phases that are absent in equilibrium. For instance, […]

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Switchable moiré potentials in ferroelectric WTe2/WSe2 superlattices

Kavli Affiliate: Jie Shan | First 5 Authors: Kaifei Kang, Wenjin Zhao, Yihang Zeng, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi | Summary: Moir’e materials, with superlattice periodicity many times the atomic length scale, have enabled the studies of strong electronic correlations and band topology with unprecedented tunability. However, nonvolatile control of the moir’e potentials, which could allow […]

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