Flux trapping in NbTiN strips and structures

Kavli Affiliate: Katja C. Nowack | First 5 Authors: Ruiheng Bai, Aliakbar Sepehri, Yen-Lee Loh, Anne-Marie Valente-Feliciano, Anna Herr | Summary: We use scanning superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) microscopy to image vortices in superconducting strips fabricated from NbTiN thin films. We repeatedly cool superconducting strips with different width in an applied magnetic field and […]

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Low-loss Nb on Si superconducting resonators from a dual-use spintronics deposition chamber and with acid-free post-processing

Kavli Affiliate: Gregory D. Fuchs | First 5 Authors: Maciej W. Olszewski, Jadrien T. Paustian, Tathagata Banerjee, Haoran Lu, Jorge L. Ramirez | Summary: Magnetic impurities are known to degrade superconductivity. For this reason, physical vapor deposition chambers that have previously been used for magnetic materials have generally been avoided for making high-quality superconducting resonator […]

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Low-loss Nb on Si superconducting resonators from a dual-use spintronics deposition chamber and with acid-free post-processing

Kavli Affiliate: Daniel C. Ralph | First 5 Authors: Maciej W. Olszewski, Jadrien T. Paustian, Tathagata Banerjee, Haoran Lu, Jorge L. Ramirez | Summary: Magnetic impurities are known to degrade superconductivity. For this reason, physical vapor deposition chambers that have previously been used for magnetic materials have generally been avoided for making high-quality superconducting resonator […]

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Microscopic mechanisms of flexoelectricity in oxide membranes

Kavli Affiliate: David A. Muller | First 5 Authors: Harikrishnan KP, Varun Harbola, Jaehong Choi, Kevin J. Crust, Yu-Tsun Shao | Summary: Modern electromechanical actuators and sensors rely on the piezoelectric effect that linearly couples strain and electric polarization. However, this effect is restricted to materials that lack inversion symmetry. In contrast, the flexoelectric effect […]

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Microscopic mechanisms of flexoelectricity in oxide membranes

Kavli Affiliate: Gregory D. Fuchs | First 5 Authors: Harikrishnan KP, Varun Harbola, Jaehong Choi, Kevin J. Crust, Yu-Tsun Shao | Summary: Modern electromechanical actuators and sensors rely on the piezoelectric effect that linearly couples strain and electric polarization. However, this effect is restricted to materials that lack inversion symmetry. In contrast, the flexoelectric effect […]

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Superconductivity in tin telluride films grown by molecular beam epitaxy

Kavli Affiliate: David A. Muller | First 5 Authors: Antonio Gonzalez, Samuel J. Poage, Bernardo Langa, Jr., Deepak Sapkota, Salva Salmani-Rezaie | Summary: The intersection of superconductivity and ferroelectricity hosts a wide range of exotic quantum phenomena. Here, we report on the observation of superconductivity in high-quality tin telluride films grown by molecular beam epitaxy. […]

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The effect of boron incorporation on leakage and wake-up in ferroelectric Al_{1-x}Sc_xN

Kavli Affiliate: Debdeep Jena | First 5 Authors: Maike Gremmel, Chandrashekhar Prakash Savant, Debaditya Bhattacharya, Georg Schönweger, Debdeep Jena | Summary: This study explores the influence of boron incorporation on the structural and electrical properties of ferroelectric Aluminum Scandium Nitride (Al_{1-x}Sc_xN ) thin films, focusing on leakage currents, wake-up effects, and imprint behavior. Al_{1-x}Sc_xN films […]

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Improper Ferroelectricity at the Monolayer Limit

Kavli Affiliate: Darrell G. Schlom | First 5 Authors: Yilin Evan Li, Harikrishnan KP, Haidong Lu, Rachel A. Steinhardt, Megan E. Holtz | Summary: Ultrathin ferroelectric films with out-of-plane polarization and high Curie temperatures are key to miniaturizing electronic devices. Most ferroelectrics employed in devices are proper ferroelectrics, where spontaneous polarization is the primary order […]

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Surface-dominant transport in Weyl semimetal NbAs nanowires for next-generation interconnects

Kavli Affiliate: Zhiting Tian | First 5 Authors: Yeryun Cheon, Mehrdad T. Kiani, Yi-Hsin Tu, Sushant Kumar, Nghiep Khoan Duong | Summary: Ongoing demands for smaller and more energy efficient electronic devices necessitate alternative interconnect materials with lower electrical resistivity at reduced dimensions. Despite the emergence of many promising candidates, synthesizing high quality nanostructures remains […]

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Visualizing the breakdown of the quantum anomalous Hall effect

Kavli Affiliate: Katja C. Nowack | First 5 Authors: George M. Ferguson, Run Xiao, Anthony R. Richardella, Austin Kaczmarek, Nitin Samarth | Summary: The creation of topologically non-trivial matter across electronic, mechanical, cold-atom, and photonic platforms is advancing rapidly, yet understanding the breakdown of topological protection remains a major challenge. In this work, we use […]

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