Unveiling a Hidden Percolation Transition in Monitored Clifford Circuits: Inroads from ZX-Calculus

Kavli Affiliate: Debanjan Chowdhury | First 5 Authors: Einat Buznach, Debanjan Chowdhury, Jonathan Ruhman, , | Summary: We revisit the measurement-induced phase transition (MPT) in Clifford circuits, which are both classically simulable and exhibit critical behavior widely believed to be distinct from classical percolation theory, using ZX-calculus. We analyze the MPT in a dynamical model […]

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Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations in coherently strained AlN/GaN/AlN quantum wells on bulk AlN substrates

Kavli Affiliate: Grace Xing | First 5 Authors: Yu-Hsin Chen, Jimy Encomendero, Huili Grace Xing, Debdeep Jena, | Summary: We report the observation of Shubnikov-de Haas (SdH) oscillations in coherently strained, low-dislocation AlN/GaN/AlN quantum wells (QWs), including both undoped and $delta$-doped structures. SdH measurements reveal a single subband occupation in the undoped GaN QW and […]

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Frequency auto-homogenization using group-velocity-matched downconversion

Kavli Affiliate: Jeffrey Moses | First 5 Authors: Dylan Heberle, Christopher C. Tison, James Schneeloch, A. Matthew Smith, Paul M. Alsing | Summary: With the stability of integrated photonics at network nodes and the advantages of photons as flying qubits, photonic quantum information processing (PQIP) makes quantum networks increasingly scalable. However, scaling up PQIP requires […]

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Spectra-orthogonal optical anisotropy in wafer-scale molecular crystal monolayers

Kavli Affiliate: David A. Muller | First 5 Authors: Tomojit Chowdhury, Fauzia Mujid, Zehra Naqvi, Ariana Ray, Ce Liang | Summary: Controlling the spectral and polarization responses of two-dimensional (2D) crystals is vital for developing ultra-thin platforms for compact optoelectronic devices. However, independently tuning optical anisotropy and spectral response remains challenging in conventional semiconductors due […]

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Rigorous expansions of modular forms at CM points, I: Denominators

Kavli Affiliate: Chris Xu | First 5 Authors: Chris Xu, , , , | Summary: We describe an algorithm to rigorously compute the power series expansion at a CM point of a weight $2$ cusp form of level coprime to $6$. Our algorithm works by bounding the denominators that appear due to ramification, and without […]

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Optical Readout of Coherent Nuclear Spins Beyond the NV Center Electron T$_1$

Kavli Affiliate: Gregory D. Fuchs | First 5 Authors: Johnathan Kuan, Gregory D. Fuchs, , , | Summary: The nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center is an emerging platform for constructing inertial sensors. Its native nitrogen spin can serve as a gyroscope using Ramsey interferometry protocols. The sensitivities of these nuclear-spin-based NV gyroscopes are limited by the phase […]

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Quantum oscillations in a dipolar excitonic insulator

Kavli Affiliate: Jie Shan | First 5 Authors: Phuong X. Nguyen, Raghav Chaturvedi, Bo Zou, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi | Summary: Quantum oscillations in magnetization or resistivity are a defining feature of metals subject to an external magnetic field. The phenomenon is generally not expected in insulators without a Fermi surface. The observations of quantum […]

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Pair Wavefunction Symmetry in UTe2 from Zero-Energy Surface State Visualization

Kavli Affiliate: J. C. Seamus Davis | First 5 Authors: Qiangqiang Gu, Shuqiu Wang, Joseph P. Carroll, Kuanysh Zhussupbekov, Christopher Broyles | Summary: Although nodal spin-triplet topological superconductivity appears probable in UTe2, its superconductive order-parameter $Delta_k$ remains unestablished. In theory, a distinctive identifier would be the existence of a superconductive topological surface band (TSB), which […]

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Generating Negative Samples for Multi-Modal Recommendation

Kavli Affiliate: Dan Luo | First 5 Authors: Yanbiao Ji, Yue Ding, Dan Luo, Chang Liu, Jing Tong | Summary: Multi-modal recommender systems (MMRS) have gained significant attention due to their ability to leverage information from various modalities to enhance recommendation quality. However, existing negative sampling techniques often struggle to effectively utilize the multi-modal data, […]

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