Collapse and Revival of an Artificial Atom Coupled to a Structured Photonic Reservoir

Kavli Affiliate: Mohammad Mirhosseini | First 5 Authors: Vinicius S. Ferreira, Jash Banker, Alp Sipahigil, Matthew H. Matheny, Andrew J. Keller | Summary: A structured electromagnetic reservoir can result in novel dynamics of quantum emitters. In particular, the reservoir can be tailored to have a memory of past interactions with emitters, in contrast to memory-less […]

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A Dynamical Model of Oncotripsy by Mechanical Cell Fatigue: Selective Cancer Cell Ablation by Low-Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound (LIPUS)

Kavli Affiliate: M. Gharib | First 5 Authors: E. F. Schibber, D. R. Mittelstein, M. Gharib, M. G. Shapiro, P. P. Lee | Summary: The method of oncotripsy, first proposed in [S. Heyden and M. Ortiz (2016). Oncotripsy: Targeting cancer cells selectively via resonant harmonic excitation. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 92:164-175], […]

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Modification of electron-phonon coupling by micromachining and suspension

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Roukes | First 5 Authors: Olli-Pentti Saira, Matthew H. Matheny, Libin Wang, Jukka Pekola, Michael Roukes | Summary: Weak electron-phonon interaction in metals at low temperatures forms the basis of operation for cryogenic hot-electron bolometers and calorimeters. Standard power laws, describing the heat flow in the majority of experiments, have been identified […]

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Nonequilibrium thermodynamics of erasure with superconducting flux logic

Kavli Affiliate: Michael L. Roukes | First 5 Authors: Olli-Pentti Saira, Matthew H. Matheny, Raj Katti, Warren Fon, Gregory Wimsatt | Summary: We implement a thermal-fluctuation driven logical bit reset on a superconducting flux logic cell. We show that the logical state of the system can be continuously monitored with only a small perturbation to […]

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Harnessing Fluctuations in Thermodynamic Computing via Time-Reversal Symmetries

Kavli Affiliate: Michael L. Roukes | First 5 Authors: Gregory Wimsatt, Olli-Pentti Saira, Alexander B. Boyd, Matthew H. Matheny, Siyuan Han | Summary: We experimentally demonstrate that highly structured distributions of work emerge during even the simple task of erasing a single bit. These are signatures of a refined suite of time-reversal symmetries in distinct […]

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Structural Color 3D Printing By Shrinking Photonic Crystals

Kavli Affiliate: Julia R. Greer | First 5 Authors: Yejing Liu, Hao Wang, Jinfa Ho, Ryan C. Ng, Ray J. H. Ng | Summary: The rings, spots and stripes found on some butterflies, Pachyrhynchus weevils, and many chameleons are notable examples of natural organisms employing photonic crystals to produce colorful patterns. Despite advances in nanotechnology, […]

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Type-II Ising Pairing in Few-Layer Stanene

Kavli Affiliate: Joseph Falson | First 5 Authors: Joseph Falson, Yong Xu, Menghan Liao, Yunyi Zang, Kejing Zhu | Summary: Spin-orbit coupling has proven indispensable in realizing topological materials and more recently Ising pairing in two-dimensional superconductors. This pairing mechanism relies on inversion symmetry breaking and sustains anomalously large in-plane polarizing magnetic fields whose upper […]

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Andreev reflection at the interface with an oxide in the quantum Hall regime

Kavli Affiliate: Joseph Falson | First 5 Authors: Yusuke Kozuka, Atsushi Sakaguchi, Joseph Falson, Atsushi Tsukazaki, Masashi Kawasaki | Summary: Quantum Hall/superconductor junctions have been an attractive topic as the two macroscopically quantum states join at the interface. Despite longstanding efforts, however, experimental understanding of this system has not been settled yet. One of the […]

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Harnessing Avidity: Quantifying Entropic and Energetic Effects of Linker Length and Rigidity Required for Multivalent Binding of Antibodies to HIV-1 Spikes

Kavli Affiliate: Pamela J. Bjorkman | First 5 Authors: Tal Einav, Shahrzad Yazdi, Aaron Coey, Pamela J. Bjorkman, Rob Phillips | Summary: Due to the low density of envelope (Env) spikes on the surface of HIV-1, neutralizing IgG antibodies rarely bind bivalently using both antigen-binding arms (Fabs) to crosslink between spikes (inter-spike crosslinking), instead resorting […]

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Absolute and arbitrary orientation of single molecule shapes

Kavli Affiliate: Paul W. K. Rothemund | First 5 Authors: Ashwin Gopinath, Chris Thachuk, Anya Mitskovets, Harry A. Atwater, David Kirkpatrick | Summary: DNA origami is a modular platform for the combination of molecular and colloidal components to create optical, electronic, and biological devices. Integration of such nanoscale devices with microfabricated connectors and circuits is […]

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