Measurement of the Relativistic Sunyaev-Zeldovich Corrections in RX J1347.5-1145

Kavli Affiliate: Adam B. Mantz | First 5 Authors: Victoria Butler, Richard M. Feder, Tansu Daylan, Adam B. Mantz, Dale Mercado | Summary: We present a measurement of the relativistic corrections to the thermal Sunyaev-Zel’dovich (SZ) effect spectrum, the rSZ effect, toward the massive galaxy cluster RX J1347.5-1145 by combining sub-mm images from Herschel-SPIRE with […]

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Deep Realistic Extragalactic Model (DREaM) Galaxy Catalogs: Predictions for a Roman Ultra-Deep Field

Kavli Affiliate: Risa H. Wechsler | First 5 Authors: Nicole E. Drakos, Bruno Villasenor, Brant E. Robertson, Ryan Hausen, Mark E. Dickinson | Summary: In the next decade, deep galaxy surveys from telescopes such as the James Webb Space Telescope and Roman Space Telescope will provide transformational data sets that will greatly enhance the understanding […]

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Analyzing the Intrinsic Magnetic Field in the Galactic Center Radio Arc

Kavli Affiliate: R. Morris | First 5 Authors: Dylan M. Paré, Cormac R. Purcell, Cornelia C. Lang, Mark R. Morris, James A. Green | Summary: The Radio Arc is a system of organized non-thermal filaments (NTFs) located within the Galactic Center (GC) region of the Milky Way. Recent observations of the Radio Arc NTFs revealed […]

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BICEP / Keck XIII: Improved Constraints on Primordial Gravitational Waves using Planck, WMAP, and BICEP/Keck Observations through the 2018 Observing Season

Kavli Affiliate: C. L. Kuo | First 5 Authors: BICEP/Keck Collaboration, :, P. A. R. Ade, Z. Ahmed, M. Amiri | Summary: We present results from an analysis of all data taken by the BICEP2, Keck Array and BICEP3 CMB polarization experiments up to and including the 2018 observing season. We add additional Keck Array […]

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BICEP / Keck XV: The BICEP3 CMB Polarimeter and the First Three Year Data Set

Kavli Affiliate: C. L. Kuo | First 5 Authors: BICEP/Keck Collaboration, :, P. A. R. Ade, Z. Ahmed, M. Amiri | Summary: We report on the design and performance of the BICEP3 instrument and its first three-year data set collected from 2016 to 2018. BICEP3 is a 52cm aperture, refracting telescope designed to observe the […]

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Probing Particle Acceleration through Gamma-ray Solar Flare Observations

Kavli Affiliate: Nicola Omodei | First 5 Authors: Melissa Pesce-Rollins, Nicola Omodei, Vahe’ Petrosian, Francesco Longo, | Summary: High-energy solar flares have shown to have at least two distinct phases: prompt-impulsive and delayed-gradual. Identifying the mechanism responsible for accelerating the electrons and ions and the site at which it occurs during these two phases is […]

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The Effects of Dark Matter and Baryonic Physics on the Milky Way Subhalo Population in the Presence of the Large Magellanic Cloud

Kavli Affiliate: Risa H. Wechsler | First 5 Authors: Ethan O. Nadler, Arka Banerjee, Susmita Adhikari, Yao-Yuan Mao, Risa H. Wechsler | Summary: Given recent developments in our understanding of the Large Magellanic Cloud’s (LMC) impact on the Milky Way’s (MW) dark matter subhalo population, we compare the signatures of dark matter and baryonic physics […]

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Search for continuous gravitational waves from 20 accreting millisecond X-ray pulsars in O3 LIGO data

Kavli Affiliate: Chao-Lin Kuo | First 5 Authors: The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, the Virgo Collaboration, the KAGRA Collaboration, R. Abbott, T. D. Abbott | Summary: Results are presented of searches for continuous gravitational waves from 20 accreting millisecond X-ray pulsars with accurately measured spin frequencies and orbital parameters, using data from the third observing run […]

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Improvement of the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) Vector Magnetic Field Inversion Code

Kavli Affiliate: J. Todd Hoeksema | First 5 Authors: Ana Belén Griñón-Marín, Adur Pastor Yabar, Yang Liu, J. Todd Hoeksema, Aimee Norton | Summary: A spectral line inversion code, Very Fast Inversion of the Stokes Vector (VFISV), has been used since May 2010 to infer the solar atmospheric parameters from the spectropolarimetric observations taken by […]

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Polarized muons and the origin of biological homochirality

Kavli Affiliate: Roger D. Blandford | First 5 Authors: Noemie Globus, Roger D. Blandford, Anatoli Fedynitch, , | Summary: While biologists have not yet reached a consensus on the definition of life, homochirality – the specific molecular handedness of biomolecules – is a phenomenon only produced by life. The unraveling of its origin requires interdisciplinary […]

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