Extragalactic magnetism with SOFIA (SALSA Legacy Program) — III: First data release and on-the-fly polarization mapping characterization

Kavli Affiliate: Susan E. Clark | First 5 Authors: Enrique Lopez-Rodriguez, Melanie Clarke, Sachin Shenoy, William Vacca, Simon Coude | Summary: We describe the data processing of the Survey on extragALactic magnetiSm with SOFIA (SALSA Legacy Program). This first data release presents 33% (51.34h out of 155.7h, including overheads) of the total awarded time taken […]

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The level-1 trigger for the SuperCDMS experiment at SNOLAB

Kavli Affiliate: Richard Partridge | First 5 Authors: Jonathan S. Wilson, Hanno Meyer zu Theenhausen, Belina von Krosigk, Elham Azadbakht, Ray Bunker | Summary: The SuperCDMS SNOLAB dark matter search experiment aims to be sensitive to energy depositions down to O(1 eV). This imposes requirements on the resolution, signal efficiency, and noise rejection of the […]

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The level-1 trigger for the SuperCDMS experiment at SNOLAB

Kavli Affiliate: Richard Partridge | First 5 Authors: Jonathan S. Wilson, Hanno Meyer zu Theenhausen, Belina von Krosigk, Elham Azadbakht, Ray Bunker | Summary: The SuperCDMS SNOLAB dark matter search experiment aims to be sensitive to energy depositions down to O(1 eV). This imposes requirements on the resolution, signal efficiency, and noise rejection of the […]

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Ergomagnetosphere, Ejection Disc, Magnetopause in M87. I Global Flow of Mass, Angular Momentum, Energy and Current

Kavli Affiliate: Roger Blandford | First 5 Authors: Roger Blandford, Noemie Globus, , , | Summary: We interpret the 1.3mm VLBI observations made by the Event Horizon Telescope of the black hole in M87. It is proposed that, instead of being a torus of accreting gas, the ring is a rotating, magnetically-dominated ergomagnetosphere that can […]

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Ergomagnetosphere, Ejection Disc, Magnetopause in M87. I Global Flow of Mass, Angular Momentum, Energy and Current

Kavli Affiliate: Roger Blandford | First 5 Authors: Roger Blandford, Noemie Globus, , , | Summary: We interpret the 1.3mm VLBI observations made by the Event Horizon Telescope of the black hole in M87. It is proposed that, instead of being a torus of accreting gas, the observed annular ring is a rotating, magnetically-dominated ergomagnetosphere […]

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Testing High-Energy Emission Models for Blazars with X-ray Polarimetry

Kavli Affiliate: Roger W. Romani | First 5 Authors: Abel L. Peirson, Ioannis Liodakis, Roger W. Romani, , | Summary: Both leptonic and hadronic emission processes may contribute to blazar jet emission; which dominates in blazars’s high energy emission component remains an open question. Some intermediate synchrotron peaked blazars transition from their low to high […]

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Investigating the sources of low-energy events in a SuperCDMS-HVeV detector

Kavli Affiliate: D. B. Macfarlane | First 5 Authors: SuperCDMS Collaboration, M. F. Albakry, I. Alkhatib, D. W. P. Amaral, T. Aralis | Summary: Recent experiments searching for sub-GeV/$c^2$ dark matter have observed event excesses close to their respective energy thresholds. Although specific to the individual technologies, the measured excess event rates have been consistently […]

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Astrometric Gravitational-Wave Detection via Stellar Interferometry

Kavli Affiliate: Bruce Macintosh | First 5 Authors: Michael A. Fedderke, Peter W. Graham, Bruce Macintosh, Surjeet Rajendran, | Summary: We evaluate the potential for gravitational-wave (GW) detection in the frequency band from 10 nHz to 1 $mu$Hz using extremely high-precision astrometry of a small number of stars. In particular, we argue that non-magnetic, photometrically […]

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Searching for axion-like time-dependent cosmic birefringence with SPT-3G

Kavli Affiliate: Chao-Lin Kuo | First 5 Authors: K. R. Ferguson, A. J. Anderson, N. Whitehorn, P. A. R. Ade, M. Archipley | Summary: Ultralight axion-like particles (ALPs) are compelling dark matter candidates because of their potential to resolve small-scale discrepancies between $Lambda$CDM predictions and cosmological observations. Axion-photon coupling induces a polarization rotation in linearly […]

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